Tailored Suit: 11 Reasons Why You Should Love It!

Krishna Jhanwar
16 Min Read

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In the contemporary world, the most formal way of presenting ourselves to the world is by wearing a suit. It has created a social status for the person and provides him with a clear place in society. While some of the branded suits have their charm, however, the tailored suit creates a buzz of style in modern days.

From business meetings to weddings, suits and tuxedos are one of the most formal and elegant attire accepted by the world.

The suit has a very established line when it comes to fashion and clothing. In the infamous sitcom, ‘How I met your mother,’ there is even a whole song about suits (which is an Emmy Award-winning song) and have mentioned many benefits of wearing a suit.

Tailored Suit
Image Source – Wikipedia


When we talk about suits, we all have different choices, styles, designs, and creativity of presenting ourselves. However, one of the important choices that we have to make is if we want a readymade suit or tailored suit.

Tailored Suits Vs. Readymade Suits

When we compare the two, we will have our preferences to go with.

Tailored suits need their own creativity, and the tailor makes the suits from selecting fabrics to the final product. Readymade comes with everything. It is a finished product waiting for a person just to wear it and show it to the world.

Benefits of Readymade Suits

The readymade suit comes with brand status, i.e., the brand’s goodwill will help us make a direct comment of our social status to people.

It is also a final product that just needs our taste of fashion to choose it and wear it. You don’t need to choose fabrics, design, and anything because it’s all done.

Some of the brands like Ralph Lauren, Armani, Gucci, Burberry, and many more are so recognized that it creates a surrounding of luxury and high status for the person.

While readymade suits have benefits that cannot be denied, there are still reasons to love tailored suits. Tailored suits not only highlight the fashion sense of a person but also, a lot more confidence as one’s wear what his mind is.

Why Love Tailored Suits?

When we talk about wearing tailored suits, it shows more of a person’s world to others than readymade can ever do.

It needs much decision of a person who will wear it and expertise of tailor to create a remarkable suit from just a fabric. However, it is the end product that will tell you that everything that has been done to make it worth it.

Below are many of the few reasons why ‘I love tailored suit (and you should love to).’

Quality Fabrics

The foremost thing that we need to select while making a tailored suit is the fabric. In readymade suits, we don’t get any choice of fabric, so even if the suits look good, the fabric that it is made of may not be quite comfortable for you.

However, when it comes to tailored suits, you can choose them. It can be silk, cotton, and even cashmere.

Tailored Suit

The quality of fabric defines the whole suit. If the quality is not good, then it is more like wasting your money. As we have the choice of cloth material to pick for, we can choose the best from our perspective.

As long as you have a good tailor and gist of the idea of how you want your suit to look like, everything would be fine.

Sewing Quality

As readymade suits are a mass production created in factories, the quality of these suits can be a downfall when compared to custom-tailoring.

An expert tailor’s handy work is far more superior to the large production work. The way he can work with the fabrics is different than a machine. He can change it with your style and design.

As he is better aware of our choice, he keeps in his mind how we want the suit and how it can change a little, as per his understanding to make it look better.

A fine work of art for a tailor is the perfect suit that he/she can make for their customer. When it comes to sewing quality, a tailor wants to maintain his goodwill, so that, he would do very precise work and fine quality of work.

Tailored Suit

Fitting of the Suit

One of the best benefits of a tailored suit that is a massive downfall for the ready-made suit is the suit’s fitting.

Fitting of clothes matters a lot while wearing it. Anything too much baggy or tight enough to make a person very uncomfortable even to wear will not be very marketable.

When we talk about formal clothes, fitting needs to be precise enough to make the clothes that a person wears must look such a way that it looks the things are made only for him.

As the tailored suits are made after taking measurements of personas required for tailoring the suit, it is most fitted to a person as it especially made for him.

Readymade suits can be alternate as per the person who is wearing it but to some limited extent only.

Make Your Choices

A tailored suit needs various choices to create. Everything that we want to create can be created from start to end.

The choice of fabrics, whether it be silk or polyester. The choice of different styles of suits like the single-breasted suit, peak lapel, classic fit suit, and many more. The design of the suit jacket and pants, shirt, tie as per the requirement.

Is it something that we want to suit our personality and style? Does it need some decisions on how it needs to be created?

In readymade suits, we don’t get any of the choices. We have to go with just our liking. It may be good but readymade suits are often not able to give the perfection a man needs. A man who is too much into fashion is very defined with style and looks at every detail of the clothes.

Professional Opinion

As tailors have years of experience, their opinion while making tailored suits can help a lot. They tell us what can be possible, how it can look as a final product, and what choices would be best for making our envisioned suit.

The Tailor’s opinion can help us choose better and their expert help to have better quality.

As they are more familiar with the style and fashion trend, they can even make a suit without any specification given to us, just by looking at us and what style can suit our personality.

Tailored Suit

In readymade suits, the salesman depicts the quality and how good the suit will look once we wear it, but he can never change something about the suit, according to us.

Standard Product

The tailored suit may not have a brand name tagged on it, but the name of who made it or the work quality itself defines the suit’s fine nature.

Some famous’ designer suits itself treat as a brand as their handmade cost a fortune for people. They may not be well known worldwide, but they are treated as one of the best designers for their state.

Many people, especially people in business and big firms, often choose to wear a tailored suit rather than readymade ones. As they need to show their distinct personality than rest, they need to define a thin line of what makes them better, and clothes have quite an important role in marking that line.

Match Your Style

We all have our unique sense of fashion style. While some love contrast, others like toned, and while some like modern, others may go with classic looks.

People have their fashion taste; one may like bright colors. Others may like dark colors, so, the style is something that one may find himself confident in.

Especially, celebrities attending red carpets have to match the persona that they are showing to the world. The style that has to be shown is presented with their clothes.

For example, the suits of Harry Styles on his tour were unique and something that defines his happy-go and jolly nature.

Tailored Suit

Design Options

The design of a suit jacket, trouser, dressed shirt, waistcoat, and tie is something hard to choose. Yet, these decisions make the whole difference. The design and the work of the suit build the style that we want to portray.

According to our likes, blazer, sports jacket, tailcoat, basic suit jacket, dinner suit jacket, and many more, the suit jacket can be of a different type.

Even trousers have different types like ankle-length trousers, wool trousers, relaxed-legged trousers, cropped trousers, slimline joggers and many more. Tie have many choices like a necktie, bow tie, four-in-hand tie, and many more options for even tie.

Even though variety and choices out of these many things, can confuse people a little bit. But, as mentioned before, the tailor’s professional opinion does help our idea of how a suit must look like.

Unique Look

As a person, if we are in fashion, we would like our clothes to be one of a kind. The tailored suit is created according to our style and measurements. It is something for us, only and of one of a kind.

The unique look highlights us in the crowd. Celebrities often use tailored made suits in special events like Met Gala and other big fashion headlines.

Reasonable Price

If we can talk about more logical benefits, the money that we spend on suits should be reasonable.

So, when it comes to how much money it takes for a tailored suit?

You don’t need to worry as a tailored suit cost around the same as the readymade suit. It may differ according to the tailor’s goodwill, but it comes as the ready-made suit’s brand tag.
We can get a better style, design, fitting, and something that we want to wear at the same price.

The cost is an important factor that can alter our choice, but if at the same cost you can find perfection rather than good clothing, so why not go with that? It may take time to make a tailored suit, but the final product is far superior and of fine quality than that of the ready-made.

Hot Trend

In the cyber world we live in; we all want to follow the trend and like to stay with the current style. A tailored suit is not trending for this period but has been in trend for years, and it may be for the years coming after.

Everyone is going with a tailored suit as the quality, and style-wise it justifies a unique style of the person. We all want to show our different selves in the best way to the world, and creating the design of what we wear does make a difference to society.

Tailored Suit

In today’s world, what we wear is what we define ourselves to society. That’s why everyone likes to dress up well. When you are involved in the working sector and work at large firms or have a successful business, it’s important to look good in front of your clients.

Inner beauty matters of a person, but one cannot deny that almost all of us form our first opinion of a person on the way he/ she looks.


In modern times, how we show ourselves is important to maintain our social status. When it comes to clothing, suits are one of the best establishments of a clothing line that has been worn by men/ women.

When we talk about suits, we have two options: buy a readymade suit or pay a tailor to make a tailored suit for us. While a readymade suit has its benefits, a tailored one is superior to it because of choices, design according to its own personality, hot trend, reasonable price, best fitting, match your style, and many more. A tailored suit is something that looks classier and elegant, especially if you want to go for a unique style or even for a business class kind of style.


Last Updated on by ShradhaTiwari

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