The Top 17 Most Powerful Marvel Characters

Agrim Srivastava
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Which are the most powerful Marvel characters?

The Marvel Universe and the Marvel comics have given us various characters over the years, and each one of them has superpowers of their own.

Powerful characters have always been present in the Marvel universe and the Marvel comics, but which among them stands out and who is the most powerful Marvel character?

Here, let’s take a look at a list of the compelling Marvel characters who have been present in and around the universe since the beginning.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a media franchise based in America which produces through the Marvel studios. The main theme of this franchise is to create amazing superhero movies. These movies are based on the Marvel comic books produced by Marvel comics.

They are not just limited to movies and produce television series, shows, digital series, and a lot more. Stan Lee is regarded as one of the widely known founders of the Marvel universe.

Marvel operates in various phases, with movies and shows being a part of each phase. Currently, there are 4 phases of the Marvel universe.

Most powerful marvel superheros
A picture by: wdwnews/ Flickr

The Phases

Phase one began with the first Marvel movie, Iron Man (2008) and ended with The Avengers (2012), a crossover film.

Iron Man 3 (2013) was the first movie of phase two, and it concluded with Ant-Man (2015).

Phase three included Captain America: Civil war (2016), Avengers infinity war (2018), and eventually ended with Spiderman: Far from Home (2019).

These three phases are together known as the “infinity saga.”

Phase four began with Black Widow (2021).

Stan Lee

The Top 17 Most Powerful Marvel Characters 1
By: Gage Skidmore on Flickr Copyright 2022

Stan Lee was a well-known writer, publisher and producer. He was mainly a comic book writer. He had a family business known as Timely Publications, which later adopted the name of Marvel comics.

Stan Lee was one of the people behind the creations of fantastic superheroes like the X Men, Thor, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange and many more.

Lee worked with Marvel till 1999, after which he retired and continued to make small cameo appearances in the films. The audiences enjoyed these small little cameos.

He is the man behind almost all of the most powerful marvel characters in the Marvel universe that we are aware of today.

The Disney Buyout

On December 31, 2009, Disney bought Marvel studios. This was a major thing that happened, and it affected the Marvel multiverse to some extent.

This move made Marvel even more famous to people worldwide and made it more accessible to them.

Marvel thought that selling to Disney would be a good option to cope with the increasing technology and viewer expectations.

In fact, Disney had not agreed to buy Marvel at the begging because a few of the decision-makers were sceptical about it, but later on, they were able to reach an agreement.

The most powerful marvel characters:

This is such a list that could go on and on because the depth of this universe is just never-ending. We really must appreciate the creative minds who have created such a global world by itself.

Jumping right into it, let’s take a look at the list of the most powerful marvel characters in the marvel universe, not in order.

1) Thor

You know this guy. Thor, also known as the god of thunder, is undoubtedly one of the strongest Marvel characters out there.

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By: Anton_Ivanov on Shutterstock

Thor is known to be a god, and due to his connections with Asgard, his abilities make him immensely powerful.

Thor is physically one of the strongest characters. Being the god of thunder, he can control the weather of the Earth to his liking and advantage.

Thor has his very own hammer, Mjolnir, which only worthy people can even think of lifting. It is one of the most powerful weapons a character possesses, making him extremely powerful.

So while fighting Thor, one must be wary of what he is up against. The god of thunder has easy and ready to go access to destructive energy he uses to great effect.

Energy manipulation is what he does.

2) Scarlet Witch

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By: Anton_Ivanov on Shutterstock

Wanda Maximoff, also known as the Scarlet Witch, is one of the newer Marvel characters but is also one of the strongest.

Power comes directly to Scarlet Witch, and she is strong enough to tackle the best of the best characters out there.

Initially, she was shown to be an omega level mutant who could create probabilities of her own and generate hexes.

However, her power has only increased over the past few years and once, she almost erased all other mutants just by thinking of doing so.

Wanda has been shown as an important Earth 616, making her an all-important character in the Marvel universe.

3) Thanos

Thanos, the possessor of infinity gauntlet is one of the most powerful marvel characters and marvel comics.

A picture by: Ant-Man3001/ Flickr

Thanos is another powerful mutant from Titan and possesses great strength, durability, and energy manipulation power.

But, Thanos has not always had possession of the infinity gauntlet, and hence he keeps moving up and down the list of the most powerful marvel characters.

However, he is one of the most powerful beings in possession of it.

4) Doctor Strange

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By: HannaFord on Flickr

Doctor Strange is widely regarded as the best user magic there is. With abilities to travel between space-time dimensions, Doctor Strange holds much power.

He is also the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth 616. A king of the multiverse, he is a master of mystic arts and frequently travels to other dimensions to fight various cosmic beings.

This character is one of the people’s favourites as he is portrayed as a very fun guy who gets along with everyone. Cosmic power and cosmic beasts are his areas of expertise.

5) Phoenix Force

The phoenix force is basically energy. It is a cosmic power that holds a lot of power and is also immortal. The energy that the Phoenix Force has is incomparable to any other.

This force has unlimited power present within it, and it is linked to every form of life in every Marvel multiverse. This cosmic entity is undoubtedly very impressive, seen in the X Men.

The cosmic power that this force hold is strong enough to take on any other Marvel character. In most cases, the Phoenix force is known to operate within a host, it needs a host body to survive, and it has been seen that Jean Grey is its favourite host.

Jean grey is a powerful X member who uses telekinetics to her power. Phoenix force is not a character that is one of the most famous ones, but it is certainly right up there to be one of the most powerful marvel characters.

6) Adam Warlock

Thanos’ greatest enemy, Adam warlock, has been fighting Thanos for many decades now. Thanos is for evil, and Adam Warlock is for good.

Warlock was created in a lab by a group of scientists, and the experiments aimed to make the perfect man, which turned out to be more than successful.

He is a powerful cosmic being with immense cosmic powers using which he has been called upon several times to try and save the universe.

This powerful character cannot die and has many abilities, from absorbing and releasing great amounts of energy to cosmic manipulation. He is also tied to the Soul Stone, making him even more powerful.

The Marvel universe needs more such saviours for itself.

7) Franklin Richards

Franklin Richards is the son of fantastic four members, Reed Richards and Sue storm Richards. Having parents like these, there was absolutely no doubt that Franklin would be something special.

Powers held with him have no boundaries, and even at a young age, he has shown great capabilities. He was able to create and generate an entire multiverse all by himself. Reed Richards and Sue Storm Richards would be proud parents.

Franklin Richards is also shown to master and easily handle Galactus; he fought with and came victorious over many celestials and was greatly feared. After all, defeating the great Galactus is no easy job.

8) Dormammu

Dormammu is arguably top five on the list of most powerful marvel characters in the marvel universe. People have often compared him with Thanos, but the reality is that Thanos is nowhere close to Dormammu in terms of power.

Dormammu is the controller of time and is made entirely of mystic energy. He has great control of magic, even more than Doctor Strange.

Being Lord of the Dark dimension is no joke in this multiverse, and Dormammu lives up to it. In his home dimension, Dormammu is unbeatable.

9) Captain Marvel

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By: HannaFord on Flickr

Captain Marvel is Carol Danvers, a former Air Force pilot who turned into a superhero. The Psyche-magnetron transformed her, and her DNA was switched with Kree DNA.

She has a special power of total immunity to toxins and poisons’ and is also a healing factor. Captain Marvel has increased efficiency, speed, agility, and can fly, making her useful and powerful for many purposes.

Captain Marvel can also look into the future in flashes, which helps her plan out her fights.

10) Galactus

Galactus is not exactly a villain, but whatever he is, he is one of the strongest and also one of the most notorious. Galactus generates energy and sustainability by literality eating other planets.

He has the fantastic gift of being directly linked to the cosmic power, connected to everything in the universe, including entire planets.

Galactus hardly ever loses, and when he does, he points out that the other party is also significantly affected by his loss.

11) Lord chaos and master order

These two inseparable entities have no physical form. They are just energies, but they cannot be taken lightly.

These two are the definitions of chaos and order, which is why they are also referred to as the chaos king. They are not held back in getting involved with the matters of the multiverse.

Starting from the Marvel comics, this concept is too good to be true and of great power. This smart entity has always looked to increase its strength and has created the In-Betweener.

In-Betweener is another powerful cosmic being who does things for Lord chaos and master order himself.

12) The Living Tribunal

He can easily be termed as the king of the multiverse. The Living Tribunal is shown to be a fatherly figure who looks down on all the other people in the Marvel universe.

The Living Tribunal is tasked with taking care of the balance of the multiverse, and upon certain issues, he takes the final call. The living tribunal is immensely powerful.

He has given orders and told what to do to many of the most powerful marvel characters, including people like Eternity; his cosmic powers have no end. They keep command always.

13) The One Above All

Many would agree, and here he is; it is not one of the strongest or one of the most powerful marvel characters; it is THE most powerful marvel character there is.

There can be little or no debate that he is the strongest. The one above all is strong enough to be compared to the Judeo-Christian god in the Marvel comics.

It is known to be the creator of the whole omniverse and everything present in it. It is so powerful that it can take any form it wants and is seen in male and female forms.

People also have theories that it created The one below all, which is the second most powerful marvel character after itself.

The one above all has resembled Jack Kirby, one of the co-creators of the Marvel universe. This shows us how great and important this character is as he represents the writers and can decide what happens to which character.

Here it was, the list of the top 13 most powerful Marvel characters. But, we are not done yet; let us now take a look at some of the other characters.

These characters might not be the most powerful ones, but they are indeed very close to the hearts of every Marvel fan out there, and hence they do deserve mention.

14. Professor X

Professor X is depicted as the leader of the X men and hence is also extremely powerful. He is known for his amazing telepathic abilities, which cause much trouble to people standing in his way.

Professor X also runs a school where he keeps and teaches other mutants to fight the evil world and develops them.

X men are entirely revolved around him and with good cause because he takes a stand in the movies and lives up to his expectations.

15. Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer was created by Jack Kirby and has appeared in the Fantastic Four movies.

The Silver Surfer is an alien with a bit of human form whose skin is steel. He can travel through space with the use of his famous surfboard.

He is originally from the planet Zenn-la and was treated to a few cosmic poisons from Galactus, which gave him the form he is in now.

With the help of his surfboard, the Silver surfer can travel at speeds faster than light. He chose the good side and decided to work with the fantastic four and betray Galactus.

16. Hulk

Hulk is a monster. His human form is doctor Bruce Banner who was accidentally exposed to Gamma rays to save the life of Rick Jones.

A picture by: Tatiana T/ Flickr

This took place when he was also trying to detonate an explosive bomb in the first place. The Hulk can go green almost whenever he wants, although it is also shown that sometimes Bruce cannot control this.

His strength is directly related to his level of anger at the moment. The angrier he is, the more powerful and destructive he tends to be.

17. Iron Man

iron man
A picture by: Tatiana T/ Flickr

He is the people’s favourite with any question. Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, has put all his money and resources to create a superhero that everyone loves.

He got the idea of creating this superhero when he got a bad chest injury during a kidnapping. So basically, he cannot survive without the suit he made for himself.

The Iron Man suit uses the technology of the latest forms and does things that a human can only think of doing.

All the characters mentioned in this article have something or the other in them, making them special and the most powerful marvel characters.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is as vast as the solar system and equally interesting. Go and binge-watch the movies to get lost in a different world altogether.

You will certainly not regret it!

And if you are interested to read more articles concerning Marvel Cinematic Universe, here is one, just click here.

I hope you totally enjoyed reading this article, I mean any Marvel fan would (the real one’s of course).

Also, do tell us in the comments, which is your favourite Marvel character? I know it is a tad bit difficult to choose one out of all these great superheroes. But, still take a pick.

To read more, click here.

Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma

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