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We have all gotten a case of eye-twitching at least once in our lives, if not more often. You are in the midst of having a conversation and you suddenly go, “My right eye is twitching like crazy!”. It feels like an involuntary eye blinking. Your friend starts telling you amusing stories about eye jumping meaning. Your upper lid might be itchy. And then you find yourself googling, “my right eye is twitching like crazy”.
Eye-twitching is annoying and intrusive. It is a common symptom of dry eyes. But it gets weird when someone tells you that your eye-twitching is a bad omen. They say that something worse is going to happen.
Someone is missing you, or someone is in love with you, or your loved ones are in danger. The list goes on. Your eye twitches when it wants to tell you something. And when that happens, you better listen to it. Is there a ring of truth to this eye jumping meaning? It could also be a sign of good luck.
The left eye-twitching superstition is rampant in all parts of the world. And everywhere, people believe in a different eye jumping meaning. The superstition takes many things into account. The jumping left eye and right eye means different. It depends on whether it is noon or night. It also matters if it’s in a specific time window, like between 3 pm and 6 pm, or 9 am, and 11 am. It matters if it happens once or more than a few minutes. This superstition has existed for a long time and has firm believers.
Even if you are seriously intrigued by this eye jumping meaning, don’t stress out. Make sure you note how long the twitching lasts. If it’s been longer than 10-15 minutes and happens every so often, consult an eye doctor. The reason could be a lack of sleep, stress, or even an eye infection or disease.
Meaning In Different Countries
For some people, twitching is more than just your eye blinking. The eye-twitching superstition holds different meanings in different parts of the world. Some cultures believe in a left eye-twitching spiritual meaning. Some people believe in strange stories about right eye jumping meaning. Let’s see the left and right eye jumping meaning from the perspective of different parts of the world. You might receive good news or some bad news.
1. India
If you have been to India, you know that most elders strongly believe in superstitions. Superstitions originate from Indian mythology, scriptures, and folklore. That is why they have so much weightage in the traditions and culture. These are significant elements that form the core of India’s beliefs. These might sound bizarre to the new generations. But they have been a part of the Indian mentality for decades, and thus, shouldn’t be invalidated.
The eye-twitching superstition depends on which part of your eyes is twitching. Moreover, the left and right eye jumping mean depend on your gender! The next time you say my right eye is twitching like crazy” in front of your Indian friends or family. you better be ready to hear crazy explanations from them!
If a man’s right eye twitches, it means good destiny. Whereas, if a woman’s right eye jumping is a bad omen. The opposite goes for the left eye jumping meaning in both cases.
If the eyebrow twitches, that might mean that good news (the baby kind) could be coming along. When the upper eye twitches, it indicates financial prosperity and wealth.
When the upper eyelid twitches, that means that you will be the recipient of bad news. Twitching of the lower eyelid indicates that a need to spend money would come up soon.
Prasanta Kr Dutta
2. China
Superstitions are religiously believed in China as well. The eye-twitching superstition in China coincides with the time of the day. It also changes for the left or right eye. Generally, the left eye jumping meaning is a good omen, while right eye jumping meaning is a bad omen. Twitching is a sign of what you’re day is going to be like.
In Chinese culture, different times of the day are assigned with zodiac animals. So, for instance:
If your left eye twitches between 9 am to 11 am (zodiac animal: snake), it means you will be invited to a social gathering. If your right eye twitches, you might be engaging in a fight or argument. Between 1 pm and 3 pm (zodiac animal: sheep), left eye twitching indicates financial gain. Right eye twitching indicates the arrival of something positive.
Between 5 pm and 7 pm (zodiac animal: rooster), left eye twitching means a visit from a friend after a long time. Right eye twitching means a stranger will come into your life. Click here to learn more about Chinese superstitions. The next time you say ‘my right eye is twitching like crazy’ to your Chinese group of knowns. be ready to hear such weird things.
3. Africa
The eye-twitching superstition isn’t uniform across Africa, and it depends on the country. For instance, in Nigeria, left eye jumping meaning is considered bad news. Right eye twitching is a good omen, both of which bring bad luck and good luck respectively. In other countries of Africa, the twitching of the upper part of the eye means a surprise visitor in your life. In contrast, twitching of the lower eye means feeling overwhelmed or emotional.
How Does The Eye Twitch?
Before getting further into this superstition, let’s understand how the eye twitches. Nerves control your eye muscles. Occasional bursts of activity in these nerves cause our eyes to move, jump, flutter or twitch. Most commonly, the twitches are felt on the inner corner of the upper eyelid or lower eyelid.
However, it can also be contacted in both parts. Sometimes it even affects both eyes. Watch this video to understand how the eye twitches in more detail:
Origin of The Eye-Twitching Superstition
The eyes are sacred in folklore. They are regarded as a divine source of vision, knowledge, and light. Because of this, eyes and their movements are linked to predictions and forecasting. Many traditions believe in warding off an evil eye through rituals. Godly people are supposed to have a third eye. People with different colored eyes are considered to possess “witch eyes.” Whenever you say “my right eye is twitching like crazy” in front of a group of people, you will most likely hear a lot of opinions as to why this might be happening.”
Arvind Shakya
Superstitions are deeply embedded in our history. For many, there is no telling when they might have risen. In India, they might date back to centuries ago. They have been passed down several generations. They are very widespread today. But there can be assumptions derived from the records we do have. For instance, in ancient times, people believed that twitching or spasming of the eye is a message. The subconscious mind wants to give a forewarning about the person’s destiny.
Scientific Theories
There is, of course, no scientific backing to the superstition. There are several physiological explanations for eye blinking. Eye twitching is a symptom of dry eyes. During winter, indoor heating could cause dry eyes. An eye doctor simply prescribes lubricating eye drops to treat dry eyes. It is nothing to worry about.
What is more worrisome than dry eyes is BEB. Eye-twitching is a common symptom of Benign Essential Blepharospasm (BEB). It is a neurological disorder that causes spasms and twitches in the eye and eyelid muscles. The cause behind BEB is unknown. But it could be stress, fatigue, sleep deprivation, and excessive caffeine or alcohol.
Scientific American has a theory about why people believe in eye-twitching superstition. It suggests that stress about particular events triggers BEB. That is why people link the twitching with the event.
For instance, you could be already tense about a relative calling you or a work-related call. Your stress might cause BEB and result in eye spasms. And that will make you link it to the eye-twitching superstition. It’s funny when science finds its way into superstitions and actually proves them to be true.
Another theory is that there is no way to tell if the superstition is true or not. For example, how will you verify whether someone is missing you?
That is another reason why superstitions are so commonly adopted. They lend a sense of comfort. You can feel warmth in knowing that someone is missing you, but that’s about it.
People also tend to wish the superstition true if they believe strongly in it. For instance, say something notable happens in your day. It could be making a new friend or attending a social gathering. Later, your eye starts twitching. A superstitious person would immediately link both events.
So every notable event may not result in an eye-twitching episode. But every eye-twitching episode will be related to a noteworthy event. Usually, you may not even notice something as minor as an eye twitch. But the superstition attaches meaning to it, and thus it sticks in your memory.
But BEB is a serious issue and can escalate into something worse. It can cause involuntary eye-shutting, swelling, and temporary blindness. So, in any case of eye spasms, consult an eye doctor even if you are a firm believer in this superstition.
Or, it could also be caused because of a nerve disorder.
Is The Eye-Twitching Superstition True?
Much like most superstitions, there is no way of knowing. Most people might argue that it isn’t right. It’s just an illogical belief made by our ancestors centuries ago, and science goes against it. But superstitions are accompanied by faith, hope, and trust. It is unjust to invalidate them and question people who choose to believe them.
But don’t ignore muscle spasms in the eye. It is not just about superstition. If you experience light twitching, cut back on unhealthy food and drinks. Focus on your sleep, exercise, and relaxation.
Benign eye twitching can be related to mild blepharospasm, which is harmless and goes away in a while. However, excessive and painful eye twitching can be a symptom of severe blepharospasm. It is harmful to your eyes. It could also mean hemifacial spasms or the onset of other serious diseases.
Superstitions have been existing since the beginning of time. Even after technological advancement and development, they have somehow managed to catch up. All cultures have several superstitions, and many hold them close to their hearts. Even if they appear irrational to an outsider, they are still culturally significant.
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