What to Drink for Acid Reflux : 8 Refreshing Drinks

Nijitha Anoob
13 Min Read

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Many people are suffering from acid reflux, it is a type of particular disease that makes us discomfort. What to drink for acid reflux1, what are its symptoms, and What to avoid to reduce acid reflux must be clear to all.

Each generation is coming up with different types of lifestyles. As the lifestyle changes, many diseases are also followed up. Acid reflux symptoms vary from each person to person as it affects in different manners.

It is a chronic disease that starts in the stomach and makes totally disturbed. People are using many medicines to get rid of this acid reflux disease.

In this article, we clearly mention what to drink for acid reflux in detail.

1. What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux can be produced through food that we eat may contain acid or an empty stomach may produce gas that leads to this condition. Some may have gastric or acid reflux symptoms as hereditary ways.

In all these cases, proper care is to be taken for the way of food or drink that is taken into our stomach. Otherwise, it leads to serious gastric diseases and even reaches the stage of surgery.

What to Drink for Acid Reflux : 8 Excellent Drinks That You Must Try !
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Acid reflux means allowing stomach acid flow backward to the food pipe and reach the heart which even leads to heart attacks. Aggravate acid reflux may worsen the condition so consult a doctor before it shows GERD symptoms.

If someone has frequent symptoms from acid reflux that is been a disease named gastroesophageal reflux disease 2(GERD). Heartburn symptoms are the first sign of acid reflux. Don’t get worried by hearing the term heartburn, as it does not affect the heart.

2. What Are The Symptoms of Acid Reflux

As we already said based on the symptoms and signs the disease can be detected. The disease can have particular symptoms that make the patient disturbed.

Intake of carbonated beverages and carbonated drinks makes a person suffering from acid reflux disease. People drinking alcohol can also be a victim of this.

If a person experiences acid reflux two times or more in a week, then that is a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease. The main symptom of this condition is hard to swallow. This also affects the digestive tract. We must have in mind what to drink for acid reflux to cure this problem.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms also appear in conditions where stomach acid flows to the food pipe and starts a burning sensation that at least leads to digestive symptoms

Following are the common Symptoms of acid reflux disease :

  • Heartburn
  • Sore throat
  • Chest pain
  • Bitter or acidic taste in the mouth
What to Drink for Acid Reflux : 8 Excellent Drinks That You Must Try !
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If the condition is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) then symptoms also change, it will be as follows:

  • Throat pain
  • Swallowing difficulty
  • Stomach pain

3. What causes Acid Reflux?

Stomach emptying will be a common reason for acid reflux. Some may have due to intake of dinner just before bedtime. Alcohol consumption can also bring to this situation.

Overeating is also a cause of acid reflux. Some may have these symptoms while wearing a tight dress that makes them feel discomfort.

Drinking a large number of caffeinated beverages or carbonated beverages may cause acid reflux. Smoking, eating acidic foods, and sometimes depression may also lead to this condition.

Acid reflux takes place by lower esophageal sphincter is not strong or does not close properly. The following situations can trigger acid reflux such as acidic foods, spicy foods, and High-fat foods.

So we must know what to drink for acid reflux.

4. What to Drink for Acid Reflux?

We Must be more clear about the trigger foods and drinks that can be drink for acid reflux. It must be very clear about what to drink for acid reflux. If not considered it will repeat and leads to gastrointestinal disorders.

What to Drink for Acid Reflux

Some drinks can be tried at our home and reduce the triggering acid reflux. Everyone can get rid of acid Reflux from time to time, but GERD is a chronic acid reflux that leads to serious conditions. Following certain foods can neutralize stomach acid.

So, let’s check what to drink for acid reflux.

4.1 Ginger Tea

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that will help to prevent acid reflux symptoms. This tea is simply tea made of ginger.

It is also used by people for conditions of stomach upset and indigestion. Drinking ginger tea is a good remedy for managing acid reflux symptoms.

What to Drink for Acid Reflux : 8 Excellent Drinks That You Must Try !
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This tea also helps to lower esophageal sphincter pressure and neutralize stomach acid and therefore reduce symptoms. Ginger tea can weaken stomach acid and reduce symptoms.

4.2 Herbal Teas

As we above said ginger tea also comes under herbal tea. Even doctors suggest to stop drinking regular teas as it contains caffeinated ingredients. So that’s why herbal teas are the best alternative for that.

What to Drink for Acid Reflux : 8 Excellent Drinks That You Must Try !
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Herbal teas also help us to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms. Hence it also acts as a remedy to relieve heartburn. Herbal tea and ginger teas are the best herbal remedies for relieving symptoms of acid reflux.

4.3. Low-Fat Milk

Some people do not like to drink cow’s milk due to its hard texture and it also contains a large amount of fat. Intake of high-fat foods and drinks may result in a lower esophageal sphincter which causes or worsen symptoms of acid reflux.

If you are including milk in your diet, consider selecting low-fat milk that contains low fat.

4.4. Plant-Based Milk

For people having lactose intolerance or having an increase in reflux symptoms while intake dairy products, plant-based milk3 will be the best solution. As it contains low-fat content helps to trigger symptoms.

There is a variety of these products available in the market, for example, soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, etc.

4.5. Fruit Juice

Citrus fruits that contain citric acid or other beverages that contain acidic content may cause acid reflux symptoms. Juices of low-acid fruits will not likely help to trigger GERD.

Examples of low acid-contained fruits are some vegetable juices like carrot juice, cabbage juice, cucumber juice, and fruits like watermelon, pear, etc.

4.6. Water

The pH content of water is neutral so, it can balance the pH of the stomach acid. Drinking alkaline electrolyzed water helps gastrointestinal symptoms like acid reflux.

This water has a modified pH, which may help neutralize stomach acid. Water also has the function to help the process of digestion in the stomach.

4.7. Coconut Water

What to Drink for Acid Reflux : 8 Excellent Drinks That You Must Try !
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Unsweetened coconut water is the best drink for managing acid reflux. The electrolytes present in coconut water help in this process. It helps in the pH balance of the body and triggers acid reflux.

4.8. Smoothies

Smoothies are the best way to intake proper vitamins and minerals into your diet. While preparing smoothies include low acidic ingredients that can make us free from reflux conditions.

You can add pear or watermelon to this smoothie to get the best result. Some vegetables can also be used for this preparation.

5. What Are the Drinks to be Avoided for Acid Reflux?

As we discussed earlier what to drink for acid reflux, we must consider what to avoid for acid reflux.

Some drinks can trigger heartburn and make stomach acid flow backward, this leads to acid reflux or GERD. Examples of these are certain fruit juices, caffeinated beverages, and carbonated drinks.

5.1 Certain Juices

Citrus juices and tomatoes are very acidic and can aggravate acid reflux. Citric acid-contained citrus juices consumed by acid reflux patients will make symptoms worse. So citrus fruits must be avoided from our diet.

Example Of these juices are

While buying juice drinks check whether citric acid is present or not in the list of ingredients and avoid it to manage acid reflux.

5.2 Coffee

All of us will have a habit of drinking a cup of coffee in our daily diet, but it may trigger the symptoms of that acid reflux.

Coffee or other caffeinated drinks can stimulate the increased gastric secretions that rise to the esophagus. That result in chronic acid reflux. The more coffee you drink more will be their chronic reflux.

Caffeinated drinks such as soda and caffeinated teas can have the same effect and must be avoided.

5.3 Alcohol

Alcohol consumption can affect acid reflux. Heavy liquor is can aggravate reflux conditions quickly. Alcoholic drinks can be a major factor for developing GERD.

Uncomfortable symptoms can be present in a man with acid reflux after consuming alcohol. This understanding provides the guideline for managing GERD symptoms. If you have acid reflux it is best to avoid alcohol.

6. Certain Foods For GERD

Certain food can trigger reflux symptoms and help to ease the symptoms. Food also must be acid-free or have low acid content. Oatmeal, whole grains, lean meats, and some vegetables can be used to manage this condition.

People must be aware of the food that will be safe for their body conditions. overeating will also lead to this. This article fully explains what to drink for acid reflux!

7. Tips for Managing GERD And Acid Reflux

The following tips are going to be helpful to manage acid reflux. And more importantly, what to drink for acid reflux, must be strictly followed.

  • Avoid skipping breakfast or other meals which lead to overeating or stomach lining.
  • Avoid late-night snacks or beverages4, it also includes carbonated and caffeinated beverages.
  • Reduce the quantity of spicy and fried foods.
  • Eat dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

Many people have reflux, but all will not perform the same symptoms. So strictly follow the diet and drinks to control heartburn. Intake of food must be in the correct order to delay gastric emptying.

Final Note

From this article, you may be clear about what to drink for acid reflux and to avoid GERD symptoms. Also, you must follow a perfect food chart for a healthy life.

Practicing unhealthy drinking habits can also lead to diseases. Reflux condition is not a disease but will become serious if not bothered about the digestive system and different parts of our body.

So, the body is ours there is only one life so maintain it properly and get free from lifestyle diseases. So I think the above-mentioned information helps you a lot to get relief from acid reflux.

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  1. Fiorentino, E. “The consumption of snacks and soft drinks between meals may contribute to the development and to persistence of gastro-esophageal reflux disease.” Medical hypotheses 125 (2019): 84-88. ↩︎
  2. Kahrilas, Peter J. “Gastroesophageal reflux disease.” New england journal of medicine 359.16 (2008): 1700-1707. ↩︎
  3. Sethi, Swati, Sanjeev K. Tyagi, and Rahul K. Anurag. “Plant-based milk alternatives an emerging segment of functional beverages: a review.” Journal of food science and technology 53 (2016): 3408-3423. ↩︎
  4. Gina Tripicchio PhD, MSEd, and D. T. R. Christina Croce MS. “Late Night Snacking, Added Sugar Intake, and Obesity Risk in US Adolescents.” Obesity 30 (2022): 255-256. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Namrata

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