100+ Good Would You Rather Questions For Teens

By micky
20 Min Read

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Searching for would you rather questions for teens? We got you! Whether you are at a party or sleepover or need an icebreaker to know your new friend better, Would You Rather is an excellent choice. It is a fun and engaging game that helps to create a spark in connection.

Moreover, it is a very simple game that requires no props. So, if you are on a drive or you are stuck somewhere due to rain, some hilarious would you rather questions will make these moments more memorable.

There are several different categories of would you rather questions for teens. It can be about everyday events, a hilarious situation, or a serious choice. Here are a few would-you-rather questions for teens.

1. Funny Would You Rather Questions

Starting with the wacky and crazy questions that will make you and your friends LOL.

  1. Would you rather always fart in public or always burp while kissing?
  2. Would you rather pee in your pants or poop in front of the entire school?
  3. Would you rather talk in song lyrics for the rest of your life or dance in a public place once a week?
  4. Would you rather do the ice-bucket or the Parkour challenge in front of your crush?
  5. Would you rather smell bad or keep sneezing when you meet your crush
  6. Would you rather be covered in ketchup or cow dung?

Would you rather ride only on a donkey or walk barefoot everywhere?

  1. Would you rather hop around on one leg or jump like a frog for a day?
  2. Would you rather have two mouths or four eyes?
  3. Would you rather become microscopic or a giant?
  4. Would you rather be a pig or a rat for a day?
  5. Would you rather have someone walk in on you showering or poop in the school parking lot?
  6. Would you rather smell bad like rotten eggs or sleep with a smelly sock in your nose every day?
  7. Would you rather have a nose that grows longer when you lie or nails that become uncontrollably long when you are angry?
  8. Would you rather wear pajamas to school or go to a supermarket in underwear?
  9. Would you rather not have eyebrows or nails?
  10. Would you rather be terrified of music or dogs?
  11. Would you rather kiss a frog or a lizard?
  12. Would you rather have tattoos on your entire body except your face or all over your face?
  13. Would you rather have a pimple on your face forever or a booger hanging forever?
  14. Would you rather always wear clown clothes or a swimsuit?
  15. Would you rather vomit on your crush or fart loudly in front of a famous movie star?
  16. Would you rather always wear dirty clothes or never shower again?
  17. Would you rather have a pie or rotten eggs tossed on your face?
  18. Would you rather have no clothes in public once or wear the same clothes daily?
100+ Good Would You Rather Questions For Teens
Photo by Axville on Unsplash/Copyright 2018

2. Juicy Would You Rather Questions For Teens

Juicy questions will always be a favorite. These interesting questions will help you know each other better.

  1. Would you rather date someone 5 years older or 5 years younger?
  2. Would you rather send a “sext”  to your parents or teacher?
  3. Would you rather go on a double date with your parents or ex?
  4. Would you rather go to a restaurant for a date or watch movies?
  5. Would you rather have an upset stomach on your first date or run into your grandparents on your first date?
  6. Would you rather get arrested or be rejected by your crush?
  7. Would you rather date a funny but not very good-looking person or a gorgeous person with no sense of humor?
  8. Would you rather kiss your favorite celebrity or have a million dollars?
  9. Would you rather have a perfect figure or the perfect partner?
  10. Would you rather date a person you met online or go on a date set by your parents?
  11. Would you rather date your therapist or your archnemesis?
  12. Would you rather never lose your virginity or lose it in front of your parents?
  13. Would you rather kiss your high school crush every day or kiss your favorite movie star once?
  14. Would you rather have terrible first dates for your whole life or never have a long-term relationship ever?
  15. Would you rather date your sibling’s best friend or date the sibling of your best friend?

3. Future Life Would You Rather Questions For Teens

Questions about the future will help you understand your friend or partner’s dreams and preferences.

  1. Would you rather have a collection of cars or own many mansions?
  2. Would you rather have no kids or 10 children?
  3. Would you rather be a doctor or a president for one term?
  4. Would you rather get free food forever or always get the latest iPhone model for free?
  5. Would you rather own a bakery or a retail clothing store?
  6. Would you rather become a high school teacher or work for your parents?
  7. Would you rather go on a world tour once or vacation every year?
  8. Would you rather have a good life but die at 40 or live a struggling life for 100 years?
  9. Would you rather own a private jet or own an airline?
  10. Would you rather know all celebrities or all big businessmen?
  11. Would you rather attend your dream college but have a huge debt or have no debt but go to a regular university?
  12. Would you rather have a high-paying job you hate or do something you love for an average wage?
  13. Would you rather never get married or stay a virgin until marriage?
  14. Would you rather own a big mansion or many small houses?
  15. Would you rather take every decision about your future or let someone else make the choices for you?

Check out Options after high school

Food is love, right? Here are some would-you-rather questions for teens related to the first love of our life

  1. Would you rather always have to cook all your food or never eat junk food again?
  2. Would you rather do all the cooking by yourself or do all the grocery shopping by yourself?
  3. Would you rather eat only cold or dog food for the rest of your life?
  4. Would you rather eat cat food or eat rotten food?
  5. Would you rather never eat fast food or never eat fine dining?
  6. Would you rather eat moldy bread or cheese for the rest of your life?
  7. Would you rather win every pie-eating contest or be a famous barbeque master?
  8. Would you rather never eat steak again or never eat spicy wings again?
  9. Would you rather eat only cold food or eat cafeteria food only?
  10. Would you rather have your food smell bad or have food taste bad?
  11. Would you rather eat spicy wings or eat rotten eggs?
  12. Would you rather eat only your favorite dish every day or never have it again?
  13. Would you rather eat cow tongue once or never eat meat again?
  14. Would you rather be allergic to cheese or chocolate?
  15. Would you rather eat food nonstop, or would you rather eat food only once a day?

5. Fantasy Would You Rather Questions For Teens

It is time to build a castle in the air. Here are some creative would-you-rather questions “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.

  1. Would you rather fly or have the ability to breathe underwater?
  2. Would you rather travel to the future or travel back in time?
  3. Would you rather live in the mirror world or an alternate universe?
  4. Would you rather become your favorite book character or your favorite animal?
  5. Would you rather get a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
  6. Would you rather live in your favorite book or your favorite video game?
  7. Would you rather have super speed like Flash or super strength like Captain America?
  8. Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
  9. Would you rather become the biggest pop star or a famous movie star?
  10. Would you rather have the power to teleport or read minds?
  11. Would you rather have the ability to form electricity or be able to blow fire?
  12. Would you rather live on Mars or live under the ocean?
  13. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or speak all languages?
  14. Would you rather be able to turn into any animal or turn anything into food?
  15. Would you rather be able to bring a person back from death or have the ability to heal any disease?
  16. Would you rather have an eidetic memory or be able to see the future?
  17. Would you rather get three wishes granted or be able to do magic?
  18. Would you rather become an avenger or the terminator?
  19. Would you rather be able to change your face anytime or change your clothes anytime?
  20. Would you rather have a million followers on Instagram or a billion dollars?

6. Extreme Would You Rather Questions For Teens

Let us move to some very hard choices that will leave you in a dilemma

  1. Would you rather always tell the truth or always lie?
  2. Would you rather be God or Satan?
  3. Would you rather be two times your weight or half your height?
  4. Would you rather be the only child or have a dozen siblings?
  5. Would you rather become a Princess or a President?
  6. Would you rather no one attend your funeral or come to your wedding?
  7. Would you rather have fur or scales on your body?
  8. Would you rather be rich and lonely or poor and have your soulmate with you?
  9. Would you rather never use Instagram again or never watch movies again?
  10. Would you rather lose all your memories or lose all your friends?
  11. Would you rather be attractive and dumb or hideous and intelligent?
  12. Would you rather not watch TV for a year or not listen to music for a year?
  13. Would you rather have an arranged marriage or marry your ex?
  14. Would you rather know how you will die or when you will die?
  15. Would you rather never use an electronic device again or touch a human again?
  16. Would you rather have the same dream every day or have nightmares every night?
  17. Would you rather never gain weight or never get tired?
  18. Would you rather always laugh in a serious situation or cry on happy occasions?
  19. Would you rather go to jail for a year or be in high school forever?
  20. Would you rather break whatever you touch or get shocked every time you touch something?

7. High School Would You Rather Questions For Teens

High School Would You Rather Questions For Teens
Image by elizabethaferry from Pixabay/Copyright 2014

Let us move on to some would you rather questions related to high school life.

  1. Would you rather not be on any sports team or the school’s losing team?
  2. Would you rather never have to wait in the school lunch line or always get a seat on the school bus?
  3. Would you rather only wear summer clothes t school or winter clothes to school?
  4. Would you rather be on the school basketball team or the high school musical?
  5. Would you rather never wear shoes to school or not wear clothes in the school parking lot for 10 minutes?
  6. Would you rather have one best friend or a group of fake friends?
  7. Would you rather read only actual books or only ebooks?
  8. Would you rather be a school sports commentator or the school newspaper editor?
  9. Would you rather eat food cooked by a famous barbeque master but wait for a long time in the school lunch line or cook all your food yourself?
  10. Would you rather go to an amusement park or a summer camp with your best friend?
  11. Would you rather have your parents teach at your school or perform with your own family band in front of your whole school?
  12. Would you rather ace all your tests or win every competition?
  13. Would you rather ride the school bus or walk to school?
  14. Would you rather be a popular student or the smartest student?
  15. Would you rather skip high school and get 500 million dollars or complete high school and get a million dollars?

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8. Couple Would You Rather Questions For Teens

Next, we have some would-you-rather questions for teens in love that will also help them know each other better.

  1. Would you rather find your soulmate or win a billion dollars?
  2. Would you rather get married very young or when you are old?
  3. Would you rather always flirt with people or never flirt again?
  4. Would you rather cheat on someone you love or be cheated on by someone you love?
  5. Would you rather go out on the weekend or Netflix and chill at home?
  6. Would you rather hug your partner every hour or constantly hold their hands?
  7. Would you rather have a destination wedding or get married at a banquet?
  8. Would you rather be in a long-distance relationship with the person you love or be in a relationship with someone you meet every day but don’t love?
  9. Would you rather write a poem or a song for your partner?
  10. Would you rather go on a great date with someone who gets on your nerves or an average date with someone who agrees with you on everything?
  11. Would you rather dance together at a club or in the kitchen?
  12. Would you rather have a kid or a dog?
  13. Would you rather fall in love only once but lose them or never fall in love?
  14. Would you rather marry someone who has a pet snake or hates your pet?
  15. Would you rather have a break up over text or in front of friends and family?

9. General Would You Rather Questions

Lastly, we have some would-you-rather questions for teens for general situations which are relatable for everyone.

  1. Would you rather play video games or play a sport?
  2. Would you rather have your cat kiss you or your grandma kiss you?
  3. Would you rather attend a concert or a dance performance?
  4. Would you rather only text or only call?
  5. Would you rather receive flowers every day or get chocolates every week?
  6. Would you rather have bad hair for a day or forget to use deodorant daily?
  7. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator alone or with people you don’t like for hours?
  8. Would you rather own a beach house or a cabin in the mountains?
  9. Would you rather be rich but stuck in your home or be poor but travel everywhere?
  10. Would you rather be an artist or a genius scientist?
  11. Would you rather invent a famous app or create a famous art piece?
  12. Would you rather work out for 12 hours or never do grocery shopping for 12 hours?
  13. Would you rather have a famous family member or a famous friend?
  14. Would you rather be confident but stupid or smart but shy?
  15. Would you rather never use a fork or never use a spoon?

These were some of the interesting would you rather questions for teens. Hope you have a great time playing this game and you liked our questions.

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Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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