8 Q&A with An Expert Homeopathy Dr. Navnit Vachhani

Juhika Mehta
11 Min Read

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Dr. Navnit Vachhani is  M.D. Homeopathic Physician. He primarily focuses on relieving patients of their suffering and, beyond that, on helping them live healthier, more active lives with a long-term outlook on illness prevention.

Dr. Navnit Vachhani has mastered the treatment of ALLERGIES with a special method for the best outcomes via years of experience in conventional homeopathic practice. Also, homeopathy was used safely and efficiently to treat numerous cases of children who had various health issues.

Here is a delightful conversation with Dr. Navnit Vachhani on his journey as an M.D. Homeopathic Physician with Icy Tales.

Q. What do you feel is the most gratifying for you as a professional – medical practice, teaching, writing, or research?

Dr. Navnit Vachhani: Different areas are connected with the same field. In my personal opinion, I like to be a Clinician (which means a practitioner) through homeopathy then comes teaching because I believe that good teaching is based on good practice. To be a good teacher you need to be a good doctor first. At the core of every aspect be it a researcher, a teacher, or a doctor it is important to have field knowledge first.

Q. What challenges have you faced in your 11 years of homeopathy experience? What was your approach to overcoming those challenges?

Dr. Navnit Vachhani: Talking about the challenges in the clinical area, by God’s grace I have great support from my family. My family has supported me in fulfilling my dream to become a homeopathy doctor. At a particular level as a homeopathy doctor, I faced different kinds of challenges.

Speaking to start with, a career as a homeopathic doctor it’s important from where you are practicing. The knowledge and awareness of homeopathy should be well-versed so that patients can directly approach you for any doubts and treatments.

Another challenge is when you are practicing homeopathy on an individual level, you start your journey, we know the subject but professionally we have just started. This was the one challenge I faced when I started my journey.

I tried to update my knowledge based on my experience and through others’ experiences and different studies in the field and the consistency to learn and grow helped me to overcome all the challenges as I moved ahead in my career.

Q. What was your inspiration behind choosing homeopathy as a field of expertise?

Dr. Navnit Vachhani: To be very honest when I passed my 12th I wasn’t very clear about which stream should pursue. I somehow got admission to homeopathy. When I started the study of homeopathy, the concept, principles, and experiences of homeopathy were extremely fascinating.

By the 2nd year of my under graduation in homeopathy, I had decided to be a practitioner. During my post-graduation days, I witnessed the effectiveness of homeopathy in the community. OPD and IPD  inspired me to pursue homeopathy as a full-time career, and with the passage of time and exposure, my interest in homeopathy got intensified.

Q. Can you please elaborate On how homeopathy is the healing science of tomorrow?

Picture by Dr. Navnit Vachhani

Dr. Navnit Vachhani:  As we see the futuristic aspect of homeopathy started as a new science two centuries back and now it is spread all over the world. Homeopathy is the healing science of tomorrow because of some different areas through which we can see it.

One is the clinal side, we can see lot many problems in the patient’s health that there are lot many challenges coming with modern medications, which include allergies, autoimmune diseases antibiotic resistance. Modern medications or allopathy are not helping much. From that aspect, homeopathy is a good option, for other diseases which are related to lifestyle and chronic disease homeopathy is giving good results.

The second point is even the government has started taking homeopathy as a serious treatment method. The Indian government has included homeopathy in the Ayush Ministry and in European countries, the Swiss government has also included homeopathy in their health policies. Homeopathy has been seen as a growing science in today’s era with the help of social media and awareness amongst the people it is helping to heal many.

Q. What are your plans for contributing to the development of homeopathy?

Dr. Navnit Vachhani: The development of homeopathy is a much larger work. Each person alone can contribute a little. There are many avenues like community, clinical, research, teaching, and even policy-making, and at the institutional level, these are some of the areas to which we can contribute.

As an individual, I am trying to teach more students the practical part of homeopathy so that they can apply the knowledge of homeopathy  in the day to day life and also I am trying to mentor fresh homeopaths who are trying to set their own practices

I am trying to share my valuable experience from my clinic with the possible evidence as scientific writing which is one way to contribute to the development of the homeopath and helping the patients through homeopathy is the core that remains consistent.

Q. Could you please elaborate on how homeopathic medicines work? Can homeopathy treat chronic disorders and long-standing diseases?

Dr. Navnit Vachhani: Yes, homeopathy can treat chronic disorders and long-standing diseases. Homeopathy is well known for its effect on chronic disease. Be it a long-standing skin disease, or allergy. And nowadays we are often getting more chronic cases to cure from homeopathy treatments.

Taking homeopathy medicines works, they are prepared from various sources – from nature and we process them. We call it potentisation, this is how homeopathy medicines are prepared. We have the list of symptoms that are covered by the particular medicine.

Being a holistic science, homeopathy doctor focuses on diseases as well as the person who got the disease. We study the person as a whole entity including what are the symptoms faced by the patient and the symptoms of the disease. We treat each patient differently because the response pattern of each patient is different, whatever the disease may be.

Q. What are the things from modern medicine that homeopathic principles can allow?

Dr. Navnit Vachhani: As far as development is concerned, there has been a lot of development in modern medicines as well as in homeopathy. Homeopathic principles don’t allow us to suppress the measures.

When you have some deficiencies in your human body system and you are taking some supplements, all that is fine with homeopathy. But for certain diseases such as muscular and joint diseases or orthopedic conditions where physiotherapy is included that homeopathy treatment is one of the good options.

These are very commonsensical themes that homeopathy principals have no problem with. Speaking of surgery and emergencies they are altogether different themes as far as true surgical cases are concerned.

Q. You have an expertise of 11 years in the field of homeopathy, would you like to tell our audience about how a person can take care of their allergies naturally at home?

Dr. Navnit Vachhani: We try to get some tips to control allergies, but let’s first understand that it is a hyper response of our immune system to some particular factors, and those factors can be related to some food, dust, temperature-related factors, here are some of the factors where the allergic body gives over the response as compared to the nonallergic body.

At the basic level, you should try to understand which factors are affecting you and try to avoid those. If you can’t find the factors or you cannot avoid them, the best way to treat your allergies is with homeopathy. Prevent the triggers by avoiding excessive exposure to certain types of food, dust, etc, and follow a healthy and positive lifestyle along with a diet and proper workout. This will help you to balance your system naturally.

Picture by Dr. Navnit Vachhani

Homeopathy claims to stimulate the body’s own healing response to disease, using specially prepared, highly diluted preparations. Homeopaths say they aim to treat the whole person, taking into account personality, lifestyle, and hereditary factors, as well as the history of the disease.

Dr. Navnit Vachhani has been in this field for several years now with great experience and with his knowledge and expertise, helping people relieve their allergy-related problems and help them lead a healthy routine.

Catch the conversation with Dr. Navnit Vachhani on our YouTube Channel.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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