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I wrote this poem for my girlfriend- my better half. I have described how I feel when I see her smile and all that I go through when I see her different smiles. It’s a poem describing her many smiles and my mixed feelings and observations on each of them.

Your smile is the sparkle, lighting up my life,
The way the moon dazzles up the night.
A grin is adequate to cheer me up,
But your blue face makes me heat up.
Any smile from tight-lipped to a smug is fine,
Nevertheless, your glowing smile is truly divine.
We both can walk together for miles,
Just with the energizing vibes coming from your smile.
Every time you smile,
It had all your emotions compiled.
You can fix all the problems just with your smile,
Your smile is always flawless and versatile.
I can swim oceans and climb mountains,
To see your smile showering pleasantness like the fountains.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat