10 Important Questions with Kishmita: A Certified Life Coach

Juhika Mehta
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Kishmita is a Certified Life Coach, Author, NLP Expert, Sociologist, Educator, and a Mentor. She carries an education background in Sociology, Psychology, and Education. She has expertise in Self Mastery, Relationships with Self, and others.

She is very passionate about helping and supporting people with their mental health and mental upliftment and she also strives to heal people, and transform their pains into learning by setting meaningful goals and also working on the inner self of the people who are facing challenges in terms of the personal and professional front.

To be very precise she is on a mission to transform lives for their ultimate success. Let’s delve into the conversation with Kishmita on her journey as a life coach with Icy Tales.

Q.What motivates you to be a Life Coach?

Kishmita: My own belief is that I can be a change-maker, and share my knowledge and expertise with people that can help them. This is the first belief that keeps me motivated to be a life coach. Secondly, my consistency in my work and everyday things keeps me highly motivated.

pushes me to accelerate on various grounds and speed up my processes, even with people who are seeking my support. The biggest motivation that I get is from the stories of the people that they share with me in the form of their learnings, experiences how they have overcomes certain challenges in their life.

Sometimes what happens is people don’t recognize their true potential and how they can reach their potential. When I can guide them to seek their true potential, and through that when they transform, and realize that they can overcome their pain and challenges that make me super motivated.

Picture by Kishmita

Q. What changes have you seen in the people whom you have helped?

Kishmita: Talking about changes, there are small and big changes that I could see. The people who are in pain who have gone through some breakup or are facing any relationship challenges or any challenges they are going through in their life. I helped them to overcome their problems through various tools and techniques which are useful for them.

Whether it is their habit transformation, coming out from their pain, or being productive in their everyday task. Sometimes people do not have clarity about the work how to do it, and what to do. How should we bring change in our lives and ourselves? I feel very grateful that I am being able to help them along those lines.

Q.  What is your experience with the people who are reaching out for help and who have challenging life circumstances?

Kishmita: From my experience with interacting with people, mostly what I have noticed is that people are stuck with their past memories, struggles, challenges, and pain. The second thing that I have observed and felt is that right now young people and the youth are very much aware and are focusing on mental health a lot. They can sense now that something needs to be tweaked within them to change their approach toward life or to change their mindset.

There is a lot of awareness now, and to be more specific since covid and now there is a lot of change one could observe. From the experience that I have gained till now, I have noticed that nowadays men are also coming to seek help more than women. Somewhere I can see in our Indian society, men are controlled much to not showcase their emotions, men don’t share their feelings due to responsibilities, and they are judged as weak if they do share or express their feelings. But now men are getting aware of their mental health and are seeking help.

Q. As a life coach, what is your definition of success?

Image by Kishmita

Kishmita: My definition of success is on multiple grounds. I feel the definition of success is more regarding peace. Having mental peace is one of the success factors for anyone. If someone is looking at materialistic things, for them success could be that, but at times if one is having all the external success and not having mental peace, having unaltering thoughts and anxiety then in that scenario one’s success doesn’t make sense at all.

Mental peace is one of the biggest success factors I would say,  along with that comes better mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual upliftment. If there is no health then there is no use for money.

Q. How do you help you’re the people who reach out to you to set and achieve meaningful goals?

Kishmita: Coaching is a process and I take people through the transformational process. My knowledge of psychology and expertise in (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programing which is one of the scientific techniques and also LOA (Law of Attraction). During the interactive sessions with people, I use different tools and techniques of expertise and then I help people in various sessions by focusing on their challenges and providing them with customized approaches in sessions based on their needs at that particular point in time.

As a coach, beyond helping people I also focus on how I can equip them with resources so that they can handle their challenges with a solution-driven mindset. For example, if someone is going through a breakup and they are not able to sleep, the tools and techniques I  use, help them to sleep well and prevent overthinking and stop them from getting anxious about the meaningful goal that they are trying to achieve for themselves.

Q. Could you please throw some light on your book’s secrets of successful parenting? How did you come up with the idea of writing a book?

Secrets of Successful Parenting by Kishmita

Kishmita: In the book “Secrets of Successful Parenting” I have majorly focused on parent-child relationships. It is not merely parenting but also focusing on the challenges which children and parents face in rearing. I have also shared some of the tools and techniques of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the book. It is a practical guide that children and parents can apply in their lives.

In this book, I have also focused that when we as adults start thinking about our parents and their mistakes if any, and how we keep on blaming them for some reasons. As an adult, we must understand that we need to forgive our parents and stop blaming them because they were also learning with us.

As an adult, we have to take responsibility to forgive them and not blame each other and also to have a much more mature relationship towards each other.

I write poetry a lot but never thought of writing a book. I had thought I will compile my poems someday but last year my mentor Dr. Yogendra Singh Rathore put up a challenge to write a book. I took that challenge and within 21 days I was able to complete my book “Secrets of Successful Parenting” and published it also.

I am thankful to him and to myself that I was able to take up that challenge for myself and do it. I would like to add that there are certain things that we wish and want to do but we sideline those things. We think when the time will be “perfect” then we will start doing it. We give some excuses or reasons for not doing it or we don’t feel confident enough to do it. So, if you want to start something start doing it today and do it now.

Q. Have you experienced writer’s block – how do you overcome it?

Kishmita: Yes I have felt writer’s block at various times. Sometimes it could be for many days. I write poems and then there are times when I felt that I can feel it but why it wasn’t coming into words? Sometimes I overcome by giving myself some time, I don’t rush, and I don’t feel the pressure. I sit with myself and give ample amount of time because writing is thoughts and ideas which flow naturally. During my writer’s block, I observe a lot, practiced the required NLP technique, and meditate a lot as compared to every day.

Q. What are some of the most meaningful goals that your coaching has allowed the people to actualize?

Kishmita: Specifically their relationship with self and their own self-worth. Sometimes people come up with such challenges, that they are having issues related to their relationship, and they are already having some past trauma pain and grief in their life. This leads to their unresourceful self-image where they don’t feel confident about themselves and they don’t feel clarity about themselves. The tools and techniques I use in my coaching are mostly related the healing, self-love, transformation, and how they can move forward with their goals and rewriting of brains.

Actualizing that relationships are a part of their life it is not their whole life. When they know their worth and specifically I would say few of the people have come up with pursuing their passion but there is a lack of confidence. The process that I have dealt with various tools and techniques, I have used with them today they have their own Instagram pages and they are doing great in their lives.

I feel that these kinds of meaningful and practical goals in their lives have helped them to operate at the micro to macro level; to understand their deep values and needs and all this support helps them in achieving these goals.

Q. What Things from Your Daily Life Make You Happy?

Kishmita: It is more about the everyday thing. The first thing is meditation. I enjoy meditating even if I am out, I try to take out at least 5-10 minutes to do it that is the main dive for me. I like painting, especially floral painting using watercolors. I find it very therapeutic. I feel elated when I dance and write a journal. But when I am with the brush and colors I get lots of insight that makes me realize a lot of things for myself and others. Most importantly connecting with people and listening to their breakthrough stories makes me happy.

Picture by Kishmita

Kishmita is a Certified Life Coach, Author, and NLP Expert. She has a growth mindset and believes in helping people with her life coach sessions. We wish her all the very best for her future.

Go ahead and read Kishmita’s book Secrets of Successful Parenting this book, you will find hidden realities of the parent-child relationship and ways to fix this bond for them to heal individually. Parenting tools and tricks are shared in great detail. The book not only shares insights on good or bad parenting but also takes into account parental struggles. The book eventually gives perspective on parents and how we need to stop blaming them and accept them as they are. This book gives practical solutions to parenting, using NLP Techniques.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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