How to Write Your Book in 1 Month with Tanmay Dubey

Himani Rawat
16 Min Read

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Tanmay Dubey is a book writing and health and wellness coach; he works in an IT Company. He believes in having confidence and self-esteem against all the challenges. Tanmay Dubey has been rewarded as Ironman Australian Triathlon.

ICY Tales in conservation with Tanmay Dubey about his journey and how he shaped his career towards being a writer and health and wellness coach.

Q) Can you please tell us something more about yourself?

Tanmay Dubey– I have about 20 years of professional work experience, working with companies like Oracle, Dell, and Amazon. My writing journey started about 10 years ago in 2012 when I wrote my first book, Just Six Evenings,‘ which was published by Roopa Publication, one of the biggest publishing houses in the country; it was a massive thing for me.

As a newcomer and a first-timer, Roopa publication trusted my work, and since then, my writing journey has begun. I started in 2012, and now, it’s 2022. I have completed about 7 books, 4 are commercial fiction, and 3 are non-fiction books.

In the non-fiction drama, I have written books on sales, a book in Hindi, and there is a book called ‘How To Write A Book In One Month And Earn 1 Lakh From It‘, now that’s a book which is a self-share book and targeted for the people who want to write a book, and that’s another aspect of my personality.

I am also a book writing coach, and I have a company called author coaching academy, where I have coached more than 2000 individuals and 50+ published authors who have successfully written, published, and become best-selling authors in their respective domains, so that is what I also do, other than being an author and a professional.

I help people to write their books in record time, and the fourth aspect of my personality is that I am a health and fitness freak, so, in the last 7 to 8 years, I have been working on my self-transformation. It all started 10 years ago.

I was living a very secondary life, busy with my job and work. I didn’t have time for my family and myself, I started gaining weight, and my weekends were spent watching tv, and that was when I decided to take my health seriously. So I started working on my transformation.

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For the last 10 years, I have been living a very active life. I have completed more than 25 half marathons, 5 full marathons, and two Ironman Triathlon events, one of them in Australia. Iron Man triathlon is an event it comprises three sports swimming, cycling, and running.

Now when you say swimming, you have to do about 2 km swimming in the open water sea, and when you finish it you go down on a bicycle, and cycle for 90 km, and after that, you have to run for 21.7 km. You have to complete all three tasks back-to-back. Once you finish it, you have been given the title of Ironman. I have done it twice, so being a fitness freak, an author, a coach, and a professional in the IT industry are the four aspects of my personality.

Q) What was the thought behind becoming an author?

Tanmay Dubey – If you look at it, people think and communicate in stories; we all do. There is this hidden thought in everybody’s mind that I can tell a story, and I want to be an author, but the difference comes in the people who think and take action, and I took action despite facing odds.

So, yes, I wanted to be an author. Why? Because I love reading and telling stories. I started reading when I was 6 to 7 years old. I used to read many comics, and I loved telling stories. I used to narrate stories to my friends in an amusing manner, and that’s when I realized that I had a talent for telling stories.

Again, coming from a middle-class family, I am not a trained author. Where I took training, I learned the art of writing a book. I have done engineering and then MBA, but when the thought of becoming an author came to mind, this is where a lot of people like me get stuck as we do not have any training for that.

I tried to create an excellent creative writing post, and in 2012 I did this course. I started writing a book, giving the shape to the thoughts that I was going through. Overcoming my limitations and being willing to take that action propelled me to become an author.

Yes, there were stories in my mind. I came from an upcountry background in a small town living in a big metro city, watching people how materialistic they are. This thought of telling an extraordinary story came into my mind, and that was the turning point when I thought I must write a story. At first, I didn’t have the skills, but then I acquired those skills and became an author. So, that was the kind of journey I took to become a published author.

Q) What changes do you expect in society after reading your book?

Tanmay Dubey- My books are commercial fiction; they are not very preachy, but the things that I tell in my books are good and bad and are a part of yourself, so you should not think like I am good and others are bad. If you want to make a change and find goodness in somebody else, then start finding goodness in yourself and stop finding faults in others.

Don’t start judging others because the same badness also exists in you. So, if you see, most of the characters in my books have a certain duality; it is good and bad in them. To become good, you should first fight against the badness inside you. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to be.” So, from the same scenario, nobody else will change things for you.

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You must take action and overcome the bad or dark or not-so-good part inside you, take control of your destiny and see how goodness spreads around you. I want to give that kind of message specifically to the youth. My first book, ‘Just Six Evenings,’ centred around the corporate world, portrayed the importance of ethics in jobs, don’t do corruption and work hard were the two key lessons in my first book.

In my second book, The Amigos, which was based on college life and youngsters, the message was don’t follow what others tell you to follow; follow what your heart is saying.

The Red Line, my third book, which is prudentially murder mystery, is getting adapted into a web series soon.

That was also a journey of the leading protagonist, Hanumant Shastri, and his courage inside him to go and fight against the system that was putting pressure on that person to perform ethically. So, these four or five stories are more or less on the same line portraying how people and society should change, and you should get inspired by others.

Q) Being a health and wellness coach, could you please share some tips for a healthy lifestyle?

Tanmay Dubey – One of the biggest myths people think is that you become healthy once you have attained everything. My tip to anybody who wants to attain health is that it is a continuous journey, and you must try to be healthy daily. It is not that you want to lose weight or burn extra fat.

It is a battle, or I would say this is a short qualifying term for the people who want to be wealthy, but it is a constant endeavour that you must see daily as to what to eat and what not to eat. Once you reach your goal, you will slip back in 15 days or 2-3 months if you leave everything. You will slip back into your lazy selves, so if you want to be healthy, you must look at it from a long-time perspective as a journey.

I am very strategic that I have to do it daily. It should not be a fixed day because you will not attain it forever. And the second is to be more tactical and practical and try to eat more healthily, that is, incorporate a good number of fruits and salads in your diet.

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I am not saying that don’t eat burgers at all; if you want to eat, please go ahead but also be mindful of the fact that what kind of food you are putting inside your body because the kind of food which you put inside your body gives you energy or produces the energy. So, if you want to be fit and energetic and eat food that makes you dull and sleepy, you will not be able to attain that. So, eat a lot of fruits, fibres, and salads and drink lots of water.

The kind of energy you will generate depends on the food; if you eat good food, you will generate good energy, and that good energy will lead to wellness, and if you are feeling good from inside, you will behave well. You will not be irritated, and you will feel energetic, and you will not be sleepy, so that is interconnected. Hence, it starts with very simple steps: drink a good amount of water, eat a lot of fruit daily, and eat a lot of salads.

Q) Can you please talk to us about your work schedule and what pushes you to work harder daily?

Tanmay Dubey- See, it all depends on your attitude. You say I am very busy, and then you have to watch web series, play a video game, or watch Facebook. You will feel busy or burdened if you do not like your job. Fortunately, in my case, I always enjoy what I am doing, whether it is my professional work or writing or coaching, running, swimming, or cycling. I enjoy it.

Busy is like a negative annotation attached to it; I don’t build that negativity because I enjoy the work and my point of view is evident in scheduling what I need to do. I like doing it, and once you like it and enjoy it, you will not feel busy.

If I have to get up at 5 am, I will get up at 5 am. There is about the same amount of time. We all have 24 hours available for the labourers, 24 hours for normal security guards, and 24 hours for Mr Narendra Modi. Everybody has to perform in that 24 hours only, so we must be very mindful of all our activities and what results from them. It may not be a great idea like simply sitting and using Facebook.

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I have felt that I have to do better than I was yesterday. It cannot be better than anybody else. You have to be better than yourself. So I make the schedule, follow that timetable, and fix up those activities that lead me to the goals I set for myself.

I have to see how I compete with myself, which keeps me on the toe. It could be the job, work I have to do, maybe learn something new or move to a new company where I get better experiences. I have to keep on challenging myself.

With all due respect to anybody writing on a particular honour, I want to explore myself and write on different honours. I am writing mythology because it is like a safe, comfort zone where any creator and writer must put themselves again. I wrote commercial fiction, wrote anthologies, and constantly pushed my boundaries.

I want to write spiritual books, and I will write mythological books to keep me going. How do I make myself better? How do I push my boundaries? It is like a feeling attached to it; I want to push myself and try to learn as much as possible.

Images by Tanmay Dubey

Tanmay Dubey is very responsible and passionate about his work and writing and wants to change society’s perspective.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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