Meet Liza Gupta, the 3-in-1 Tarot Counsellor

Juhika Mehta
12 Min Read

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Liza Gupta, a young and enthusiastic mind from Noida, perused her graduation in English honors. Liza Gupta always had an interest in psychology. She followed her interest and completed her Master’s in applied psychology. Liza Gupta is a tarot counselor, counseling psychologist, reiki master healer, and intuitive yogi.

Here is a delightful conversation with Liza Gupta on her journey about tarot counseling, reiki master healing, mental health, and much more with Icy Tales.

Q. Let’s start by knowing more about your journey to becoming what you are today.

Liza Gupta: The journey of self-healing and shadow work started at Amity University, where a friend gifted me an oracle (tarot) card set. I developed a connection with the cards and used to contemplate them. Meditating formed my meanings and interpretations. However, I didn’t know how it worked back then and wanted to learn independently, so I started connecting my cards with psychology and spirituality.

During my second year of graduation, I wanted to see a psychologist, and with time, I realized that therapy wasn’t working for me, and I also needed some certainty in my life. Then finally, I started my journey with tarot. Through tarot, my spiritual journey started, I started healing myself, doing shadow work, and the list is long. And since tarot has been a great part of my life, I named my page to evolve with tarot because tarot is much beyond any future prediction.

I used to do shadow work and journal through my tarot cards to see what is the trigger. How can it be healed? I started my page and had to go through the number of names for the page; suddenly, evolve with tarot clicked in my heart. I started creating content on energy updates. This healing process took 2 to 3 years to be where I am today.
                     Energy Update Post 

In the energy update post, I take two profiles, ‘Divine Masculine’ and ‘Divine Feminine,’ irrespective of gender. There is a difference between the female and male gender and the masculine and feminine side/energy. I tap into the energies of the masculine and the feminine energies to avoid biases.

The masculine and feminine energy is related to the power of ardhnarehswar (the power of shiva and shakti) within us. We talk about loving ourselves; for that, we need to go deep within ourselves, be self-aware, know what triggers us, accept the masculine and the feminine sides of ourselves, and accept the shadow part, something we are hiding from ourselves. For any journey to attract your soulmate, shadow healing is very important. That is one sort of meditation.

Q. Being a counseling psychologist, can you tell us why talking about mental health is an essential requirement today?

Liza Gupta:  Firstly, as we talk about counseling, a lot of importance is given to psychiatrists and clinical psychologists; indeed, that is important, but counseling is of utmost importance, too, something that I have recently experienced while working with an organization.

The organization was very good, but its focus was more on psychiatry, clinical psychology, etc. I volunteered at the rehab center for ten days. There I observed that people started substance abuse because they did not have anyone to talk to and express themselves.

Talking therapy is the most important thing; we think we can speak to our friends; no matter how pure the bond is with them or with a family member or in friendship, the biases will never leave us, judgments won’t leave, be it consciously or unconsciously.

I think counseling is very important; the counselor and the psychologist will be unbiased and see you with a fresh perspective. If you start feeling stressed in every small situation, it’s better to visit the counselor at the initial stage so that you can tap on the trigger points, acknowledge them and start working on them.

Q.You must have also experienced various ups and downs in your life; tell us a time when you felt very demotivated, and how did you overcome that phase?

Picture By Liza Gupta


Liza Gupta: I felt demotivated when I was in kindergarten. I remember this because this is something that I have reflected upon recently. I always believed that I was an intellectual person; I liked reading and studying, but still, there was something that always demotivated me in school. I never felt confident, there were teachers who used to like me, but my friends never used to like me.

I was always wondering that I wanted to study, and I could study, and I knew that I am a good student as well, but then what is that thing that has always stopped me during my school time? Because when I was in the 12th standard and during my graduation examinations, I scored well. Before that, there had always been a block, which was there from when I was in the nursery.

I have always been a very competitive child, a rebel, and I always wanted to win. So when our teachers gave us some work and told us to complete it fast, whoever competed first would get the chance to become the class monitor, and so I used to do that quickly. Since I was always the first to complete, I became the class monitor 3-4 times. But the group of friends I had during that time started planning against me and made plans to distract me so I couldn’t finish my work on time, and they could win over me.

This might seem small now, but if you think of it at that time, it was very disheartening for me because my friends were betraying me. One day I learned about all this, and then I realized how they had been betraying me, and all this went on till the 8th std or even beyond that. After that, my friendships improved, but I understood that this affected me and was the root cause of my problems.

From there, my “people-pleasing” started. We do this so that we can keep people around us happy. At that time, I wanted to win their hearts because I did not understand what wrong I had done, and my friends made me feel like this. So that was the time when I felt demotivated.

I had good friends during my 9-10th std. But during the 11th std, I slowly started isolating myself from everyone. I wanted to spend time alone or with one or two of my friends. I stopped being in a particular group. I have always been a bit different as a person, as in my energy or as a person, and my friends have always been very different, like they used to party a lot, but I never enjoyed that, so I used to isolate myself.

My graduation time was a big breakthrough. My friends boycotted me as I was doing an internship and could not give them time. So I had no one, but I wanted to feel and become strong enough, so I used to go and attend my classes and come back. At that time, I was also dating someone, which was a serious relationship.

But then all my friends started to vanish away, and I also broke up, and then a completely new journey began, making me realize that I don’t have to please anyone. Yes, I make mistakes, but that makes me human.

It’s been a magical journey; I don’t have complaints about anyone because they were my guides, every individual has taught me something about myself, and they taught me about the areas where I need to work on myself. In these places, I can complete myself. Every lesson I have learned through my friends and relations has made me become the person I am today. It was a beautiful journey.

Q. How do you help your clients set and achieve their goals?

Liza Gupta: My clients are healers; they set their own goals. It is their free will which path they prefer to go, and whether I will be able to contribute to the path or not, it is always two ways. Whoever comes to me, I don’t decide or want to decide anything for them; I can advise them or give them away; eventually, they are the decision-makers.

Q. Anxiety kills, as the saying goes: it’s a terrible place to be in; what is an immediate recourse to overcome that state of mind?

Picture by Liza Gupta

Liza Gupta: When a person is in a state of mind where they feel anxious, firstly, you must acknowledge that you are feeling anxious. Usually, when we are feeling worried or getting panic attacks, it is a human tendency that we procrastinate; maybe we need to learn more and be strong.

Once you know the triggering points behind that feeling and acknowledge that you are anxious, your mind will start working towards the solution. Some techniques that might help are – breathing exercises, praying, and gratitude letters to the universe.

Q) What is the most important thing or advice you want to give the audience?

Picutre By Liza Gupta

Liza Gupta: The advice I will give is to be yourself. Be free, let the inner child come out, do what makes you happy and live your life to the fullest. This is something that everyone should follow. Regardless of gender, one must work on the feminine or masculine sides. It is very important to be free from all belief systems and be yourself in every situation.

Meet Liza Gupta, the 3-in-1 Tarot Counsellor 1

Liza Gupta an enthusiastic young mind who is an amazing human with an immense knowledge of divine masculine and feminine, Hinduism, and tarot counseling. We wish her all the very best in her future endeavors.

Watch the full interview with Liza Gupta on our Youtube Channel!

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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