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Rajni Ojha is a mother, blogger, and content creator. Raising children is one of the most difficult and fulfilling jobs in the world — and the one for which you might feel the least prepared. Successful parenting is not about accomplishing perfection, but a good parent is someone who endures making decisions in the best interest of the child. Rajni Ojha is trying to do the same by helping and imparting awareness regarding parenting, homeschooling, and lifestyle through her Instagram handle.
IcyTales is in conversation with Rajni Ojha about her experience as a mother and blogger so far.
Q) Can you tell us something about yourself the readers?
Rajni Ojha: I am from Gwalior Madhya Pradesh. I am 29 years old and a mother of a son Advik who is 3 years and 10 months old.
Q) What was your motivation behind starting this blog on parenting, homeschooling, and lifestyle?
Rajni Ojha: It all started when I posted a reel on Instagram and it went viral. The views were around 40 million and many likes. It motivated me to create more such videos. I realized that people liked my concept of videos. I decided to post homeschooling videos because generally, I post videos of activities with my kid.
He is a hyperactive kid and he loves to do different activities with me. Once he asked me to do some activity, I thought to post that video on social since I will be helping others as well.
Q) How has your experience been so far as a blogger? Do you feel social media anxiety? If yes then how do you overcome it?
Rajni Ojha: My experience as a blogger has been nice so far. I think blogging makes me record all the memories of me doing something exciting or going somewhere. I love to make videos, so it is not something I am consciously blogging about, it is just something that I love to do.
I never focus on the number of views or likes I get on my videos. I am only focused to post my videos and improve myself as a video creator. Therefore thankfully, I never faced any anxiety due to social media. I think if we are surrounded by positive people then we will never feel anxiety.
Q) Can you please explain to the readers what homeschooling is and how it is different from the traditional school children go to? Also, tell us why is it better or worse to opt for homeschooling.
Rajni Ojha: Homeschooling is something just like “work from home “in companies. Similarly, it is the same as schooling from home. Everyone knows that a mother is the first teacher to a child, who teaches everything including how to eat, how to dress up, how to brush teeth, how to bathe, etc. It starts from home that’s why it is called Homeschooling.
Since my kid is around 2 years I started so many activities with him and he just loves to do them.
And it is different because you don’t need to be dressed up, you don’t need to go anywhere, and you can start your little things. For example, learning vegetables; you can start in the kitchen. When babies have so many toys around them it can make them playful by learning creatively. This helps them learn from the things around them.
Children are familiar with things around them, so it makes them learn with the things that they are using in daily life. This makes it easier for them to catch up on things.
Homeschooling is very important for children, as it helps the children to cope with the environment that he or she is going to meet in the school
Q) How according to you can mothers inculcate good habits in young children without making them rebellious?
Rajni Ojha: There are so many ways by which we can calculate could habit and good manners in our kids. Firstly, never shout at them. Whenever we shout, they also learn to shout since they imitate us.
Secondly, always teach them to respect everyone be it elder or younger, animals, flowers, or plants. This will help them to grow a gentle human being.
Thirdly if they are making mistakes correct them. If you are not correcting them, they will think it’s a normal thing to do. Therefore, it is a responsibility of a mother to teach them wrong and right.
And lastly, I would say let them teach the “equality concept”.
If you are doing work at home ask for help, It is our responsibility to make them understand that things like household work are not only for the girls. Or outside work, it’s not only for the boys. every work is important for a person. It’s a basic necessity of life everybody should be independent of the work
Q) Motherhood is a full-time job, but mothers are not appreciated enough for what they do. Do you think it’s true? If yes, how can we bring about a change?
Rajni Ojha: Yeah it’s a very true statement. Mothers are never appreciated but in my case, I think it’s different. I am with the person who always appreciated me and my work, my husband, who supports me and always helps me with my household work.
He always appreciates me. He makes me feel good for the things I am doing just as activities for my kids and others. I think when your better half is a supporting person you don’t need to worry about what people are thinking about you, just go on.
Q) What is one thing a new mother should learn to build a healthy relationship with her kid?
Rajni Ojha: I think the best thing we should do for a healthy relationship with our kids is to never compare our children with others. It is because every child is different. Everyone has a different ability and different mindset. Always try to make your child feel confident. Try to say positive words to them never say negative words in front of them. And try to be very calm.
Q) What is your best advice to moms of little kids?
Rajni Ojha: My advice for moms is that, to make their children happy. Nothing can be happier than seeing your kid happy. They should also try to try to enjoy every little movement because the little things in life make you happier.
Q) If you had to choose one parenting mantra what would it be?
Rajni Ojha: The parenting Mantra I would like to give is just to avoid all the negative things around you and just think that you are the best and that you are the one who can give your child the best thing. Always be confident about the things you are doing for your child.
Q) Who has been your biggest cheerleader and support?
Rajni Ojha: I think I am the only cheerleader for myself I always support myself. There are so many people around me supporting me and my blogging hobby or making videos. But I think I am the only one who always appreciates myself. I believe in myself.
Q) Was there any moment in your life when you felt extremely low? If yes, how did you overcome that? What did it teach you?
Rajni Ojha: Yeah, there was a time when I felt extremely low. I think everyone feels low at that time that is, after pregnancy. when your child comes into this world, taking care of the newborn baby is difficult. That was one time I felt low.
To Overcome that low feeling I used to make videos of my kid, his sweet moments every single moment that I was sharing with my kid, I was just capturing it. Today also, whenever I feel low I started watching my kid’s video and it makes me feel energetic.
Rajni Ojha is a mother, blogger, and content creator. And most importantly she is a positive human being. She is a person who believes in little things because she thinks little things matters.