“La Vida es“, or life, has always been nothing short of an emotional roller-coastal ride. Always pushing us out of our comfort zone, be it the adversities we face, the anticipations we fail to satisfy, or those constant challenges to self-esteem or the joyous moments we feel, “la Vida es” has always been the same for all, irrespective of its speech and language.
Speaking of language, the most beautiful language that strikes our mind is Spanish. Blessed with passion and sounds full of emotions, the Spanish language has always been known for its beautiful dialect and strong emotional words. It can also be called the language of expression as one uses it to convey sentiments. However, the use of Spanish is not limited to “te amo” only. Various sayings and quotes in Spanish speak of “la Felicidad de la Vida” or the happiness of life and tell us that “el éxito es possible”, i.e. Success is possible.
“La pregnant“, or the question, however,r is how to sense that feeling of going on, to feel motivated, and to know how we can teach those concepts and attitudes in our day-to-day life to remain.
To answer that, here are some Inspirational Spanish quotes about life. These are some thought-provoking inspirational quotes in Spanish that speak of various principles and ideologies that must be welcomed to improve our way of living. This article includes various Spanish sayings and motivational quotes, which will positively impact your life and help you get along in those tough times. Those who are new to learning Spanish would get great help in acclimatizing to Spanish idioms and articulations.
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Before we begin, check out these links to brush your Spanish up a notch: Brush up your Spanish in 3 simple steps.
1. Here Are the 11 Best Spanish Quotes About Life
1.1 “La práctica hace al Maestro“-
Practice makes one the master –
Simple enough to understand, this quote is what we’ve always learned in our life, i.e., practising anything or doing the same thing again and again will make you the master of that job. Once you “puedes lograrlo” or achieve that, you can use it to your advantage for an infinite number of tasks which will eventually help you raise the standard of your life.
1.2 “En las malas se conoce a Los amigos“-
Only when you are facing a bad situation is when you know who your friends are-
As you can see in its literal translation, this quote is about understanding who your best companion is in today’s life. We frequently find ourselves in a position where we need desperate help. It is that time when someone who cares for us and thinks of us will show up no matter the odds. This “el que” or the one good friend is all you need “en la Vida” [in your life].
1.3 “Libertad está en ser dueños de Nuestra Vida“-
Freedom is in owning our life-
As this English translation implies, its primary meaning is being the owner of your own life, i.e. ability to take your own decisions. You get to enjoy life on your terms. The most important thing is always being in control of your life. You are answerable for your own decisions. Having freedom enables you to explore yourself, to dream, and get to “enamórate de ti,” i.e. fall in love with you.
1.4 “Sonríe a la vida y la vida te devolverá esa sonrisa“-
Flash a smile at life, and it will give you back that smile-
In contrast to how this sounds, smiling is a simple action and foundational key to a joyous life. No matter the odds, one must never show a negative attitude toward life. Always face hardships head-on with a healthy smile on your face. The statement “Al mal tiempo, buena care“. [Literal translation: In bad weather, a happy face] carries a similar meaning.
Unravelling the problems with a wide smile makes them easy to deal with. To be precise, keeping a positive attitude toward all your hardships will dramatically improve your way of life. You must follow the thumb rule of ‘laugh every day and you won’t have wasted a single moment of your life’.
1.5 “Dame Pan y Dime Tonto” –
Give Me Bread and Call Me a Fool –
This quote is next in the list of best Spanish quotes on life. At first instance, this quote may not make any sense to you, but it carries a deeper meaning. Simply put, It runs along the lines of: “as long as I get what I want out of you, I don’t care what you think about me”. This resonates with the current condition of society. Everybody is focused on satisfying their own needs,i.e.improving their way of life, irrespective of what impression it creates on others.
1.6 “El Amor todo lo puede” –
Love can do anything-
This is one of those cute Spanish quotes with the literal translation that love can do anything. It’s self-defining in itself. There can never be any doubt in the power of love. It’s the strongest pillar one can have in life. The capacity to love is what makes us human.
1.7 “Enamórate de ti. De la Vida. Y luego de quien tú quieras”-
Fall in love with yourself. With your life. And with whoever you want –
As rightly said by Frida Kahlo, you must first fall in love with yourself. It means that you must embrace your true self. You should value the way you are. After that, try to fall in love with your life. Celebrate your moments, cherish your memories, and be thankful for the way your life is. With that said, you should try to love that special someone who holds an adored space in your heart.
1.8 “A los tontos no les dura el dinero“–
Money does not last for fools-
The English translation of this quote seems pretty straightforward. True, it means that fool and his money are soon parted. But it also tells you how you must never take anything for granted. Yet, it is not so. Just as a fool who doesn’t know how to handle the money ends up losing it, a non-deserving individual also yields gains if he’s not capable enough.
1.9 “A Lo Hecho, Pecho“-
What is done, is done-
As simple as it sounds, it means that what is done is done. It doesn’t matter how or why it happened, but the fact that it has happened. This line instructs us that we must not linger on wishing for a different outcome in the past but face the consequences head-on. We must accept the consequences and work towards changing them for our advancement.
1.10 “Solo aquellos que se arriesgan a caer pueden conseguir grandes cosas”-
Only those who risk falling can achieve great success-
Easy enough to understand, this quote talks about how one must be willing to take risks to achieve something. Taking risks makes one ready to face the setbacks and hardships in his errand without being negatively impacted. As it is well known, to achieve success, there is no substitute than to try again and again. Only when you fall over can you rise, i.e. only when you fail to do something can you try again.
1.11 “El que mucho abarca poco aprieta” –
The one that embraces a lot can’t keep it together-
Running along the lines of ‘Jack of all and master of none’, this quote implies that don’t bite more than you can chew. People often think that having everything is what makes your life successful. However, that is not the case. In obtaining everything, people forget to love and cherish what they already have. It usually ends with losing everything you have. In short, it’s better to hold on to what you already have than try to gain everything.
2. Here Are Some Spanish Quotes About Life from Prominent Individuals
This section includes famous sayings of 10 well-known people and their literal translation into Spanish. They talk about “Si Puedes soñarlo“; if you can dream it, it is within your grasp. This unit takes inspiration from these great personalities who always keep the “Haz lo” attitude in “en la Vida” and never give up.
2.1 “No cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten.” – Muhammad Ali
“Don’t count the days, make the days count.”-
Muhammad Ali’s life has always been that of struggles and hardships. It states what every hard-working individual follows in life. No matter the circumstances, as long as “lo estás Haciendo” or you are doing it, its a progress. Making every day count implies that no matter the level of progress you achieve, as long as its a progress, it counts.
2.2 “A veces sentimos que lo que hacemos es tan solo una gota en el mar, pero el mar sería menos si le faltara una gota.” – Mother Teresa
“Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less without that missing drop”-
As exceptionally said by the great Mother Teresa, this quote tells that no matter how small the contribution amount was, it will always make a difference. This quote is a real push for those who struggle in day-to-day life, and it appears that they aren’t making any progress and feel disheartened. They need to understand that their progress is marked not by the quantity of contribution but by its quality and the amount of change it brought.
2.3 “Acepta lo que la vida te ofrece e intenta beber de cada taza. Todos los vinos deben ser probados; algunos solo deben ser sorbidos, pero con otros, bebe toda la botella.” – Paulo Coelho
“Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines must be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the entire bottle”-
Paulo Coelho, the incredible writer, has wonderfully stated a thought-provoking statement.
This quote compares how life is synonymous with wine and how every experience life offers you is like a cup. Just as we must taste every wine, we must be open to all the ventures life has in store for us, irrespective of whether they are good or bad. Similarly, some wine that should only be sipped refers to trying new experiences but not immersing yourself entirely in them.
Likewise, drinking the entire bottle suggests that those experiences which produced a remarkable impact on your life favourably should be completely embraced as they will work towards increasing the quality of life.
2.4 “La Vida es lo que ocurre a tu lado Mientras haces otros planes.” – John Lennon
“Life is what happens next to you while you make other plans.”-
What seems like a clear warning from our quote says that you should never be fickle-minded, i.e. you should always make a decision and stick to it as, for every hesitation you make, life passes by. It implies that you miss what might have been a wonderful experience in your life just because you wavered at the last minute. Life, like time, never lingers for anyone.
2.5 “El único modo de hacer un gran trabajo es amar lo que haces. Si no ha encontrado todavía algo que ame, siga buscando. No se conforme. Al igual que los asuntos del corazón, sabrá cuando lo encuentre.” – Steve Jobs
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found something you love yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Just like matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it”.
This quote by Steve Jobs is self-descriptive in itself. When you begin to love what you do, you automatically start enjoying it and working hard for it, which finally motivates you to strive to achieve excellence. It would be best to never confine yourself to something you don’t enjoy, as it will only burden you. You must try again and again, for you’ll know when you find it.
2.6 “Una cosa importante es atreverse a atreverse.” – Maya Angelou
“One important thing is to dare to dare”-
This strong quote hints that to lead an active and remarkable life, one must have the ability to dare. Not only that, he must ‘dare to dare’, i.e. be strong-minded and decisive enough to ‘dare’ or that action towards doing something unexplored while being prepared to meet the outcomes. It concisely says that you need to dare or prepare yourself first to dare something.
2.7 “Sino querer siempre lo que se hace.” – León Tolstoi
The secret of life is not always doing what you want but always wanting what you do.-
As complicated as it sounds, this quote guides us toward following one important secret for a happy life: It’s not always about doing what you like but liking what you do. i.e. enjoy your work irrespective of whether you want to do it. Treat that work like you are into it, no matter how tedious or bland. It will make you optimistic in life.
2.8 “Convierte tus heridas en sabiduría.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Turn your wounds into wisdom”-
Simple enough to understand, this quote talks about how you can learn from your past experiences, avoid making the same errors, and use them to enhance your wisdom. Just like you refrain from getting a wound again in the same area, similarly, you must refrain from repeating the same mistakes again and again.
2.9 “Si puedes soñarlo, puedes lograrlo.” – Walt Disney
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”-
Pretty straightforward, these motivational quotes coach you towards achieving excellence and success. By beginning to dream about it, you mentally prepare yourself for the next hurdles you face. Dreaming about something is what guides you toward making it a reality. Only when you dream and work hard for it will you finally achieve it.
2.10) “El éxito no es la llave de la felicidad. La felicidad es la llave del éxito. Si amas lo que haces, tendrás éxito.” – Albert Schweitzer.
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”
As simple as it seems, this quote tells you how always being happy is of utmost priority. Being happy improves your way of living and embarks you on the journey toward success. It helps to develop an ‘it’s alright’ approach towards life which can help you tackle all situations positively.
This brings us to the end of this incredible journey of learning beautiful Spanish quotes about life from multiple aspects. If this article inspires you to take a positive life, approach us in the comments!
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