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What does it mean when you dream about someone? The interpretation of dreams can differ depending on the person and the situation. Dreaming about someone usually involves more of their characteristics or your relationship with them than the person. You can keep a sleep diary or dream journal to record your dreams or see any patterns. Doing that the same night when having a nightmare may help you during your REM sleep.
The deepest stage of our sleep cycle is REM sleep. Dreams occur in rapid eye movement sleep. We easily remember a few parts of our dreams during REM sleep. REM sleep activity is less frequent in adults than in babies. A complete REM sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. The sleep phase begins again until you wake up in the morning.
1. Dream Theory
Some believe dreams result from memories from daily life or a release of unconscious thoughts. It’s also a way to remove the daily junk from your conscious mind to store memories in your subconscious.
Dreams provide a rich, universal language for discussing the present and future concerns. People dream and experience different feelings throughout their lives through their dreams, making dream interpretation extremely personal. It can be like God sends a message through your dreams that only you can understand.

2. Reasons for Dreaming About Someone
What does it mean when you dream about someone? Following are some reasons to dream about someone.
2.1. Want the Person to Like/Admire You
If you have a dream about a person you like, like a teacher, boss, or elder in your life, it may be a sign that you’re attempting to gain their approval. It makes you feel valued when you hear that you’re doing a good job. You start to doubt your appearance or confidence when you don’t feel appreciated or noticed.
2.2. Your Life Would be Different if you were with Them
Dreaming of the one who fled? This dream frequently occurs when a relationship gets over terribly. It’s just a way of processing and daydreaming; it’s not a sign that you should lose your trust in relationships. You can interpret dreams that the other side isn’t always nicer.
2.3. You Feel Lonely/Left Out
If you have recently spent a significant amount of time alone, feeling lonely, and missing the comfort of home and familiar faces, you might dream of someone you know. These dreams may appear as you embark on new endeavors such as a job, college, moving to a new location, or travelling for business.
Your conscious mind might be needed to be assisted by your subconscious in making connections to understand something.
There are certain other reasons which can influence dreaming.
3. What does it Mean When you Dream About Someone?
It’s not always the case that you’ll dream about the person you think about. The person can typically represent a desirable quality of character in your own life. Your motivations and habits may be revealed and explained by dream interpretation.
Instead, they serve as a window into your unconscious. You can connect with certain feelings or emotions in your dreams that you couldn’t live in your waking lives.
What does it mean when you dream about someone? Dreams, according to therapists, serve as a link between your unconscious and conscious mind. Dreaming about someone in various circumstances can result from repressed feelings, anxieties, or fears.
4. 18 Dreams and Their Common Meanings
Following are the 18 dreams, and their common meanings can help you understand your dreams.
4.1. Dream About a Family Member
Dreaming about a family member is common as you grow up with them. What does it mean when you dream about someone from your family? If a family member frequently appears in dreams, it has symbolic meanings. Your family member is mastered at setting off your defenses. They are the only one who truly knows you, which can be good or bad.
If a deceased family member appears in your dreams, it may signify that you are missing them, and they almost appear to comfort you.
However, you don’t have to look too far to find hidden meanings when you dream about your young child or children. Ponder over the day’s events to figure out why you might dream about your child.
4.2. Dream About Someone’s Death
You might wake up scared after having a dream about someone’s death. Try not to worry, though. It’s not a negative sign. It does not suggest that a person is likely to die. These nightmares won’t come alive, so don’t worry.
People dreaming about death tend to be those entering or deciding to leave an uncertain phase or period in their life. It might be a significant event that alters one’s life, which induces anxiety and fear of the unknown.
What does it mean when you dream about someone who’s dying? The hidden meaning of having a dream about someone’s passing reflects change, which you alone can direct in either a positive or negative direction. Do you dream about killing? Examine your aggressive feelings while you are awake.
Do you have any long-standing issues with the person you’re dreaming about? If so, you should probably talk to someone about how you feel. It would be best if you gave importance to who is passing away in your dream.
A dream about a dying parent/friend/close colleague typically involves your relationship with them.
4.3. Dream About Someone You Like
Someone can enter your dream world if you often think about them in your waking life.
Having a sex dream about someone might mean that you’re trying to include some qualities that person represents into your own life. You may be processing your fear — perhaps of their rejection.
What does it mean to dream about someone you like or have a crush on? The hidden meaning of this dream is you’re pining for a passionate connection in your subconscious mind, or your current relationship needs more care. Dreaming about someone you like will surely make you wake up very happy and with a huge smile.
But in real life, psychologically speaking, dreaming about your crush is normal and doesn’t necessarily mean anything. When people dream about others, it usually has more to do with the dreamer’s life than the other person’s life.

4.4. Dream About a Colleague
This dream has a peculiar interpretation because walking in your dreams with the one you like is not necessarily a sign that they like you back.
What does it mean when you dream about someone who you work with? Dreaming about a co-worker can mean you have some feelings to deal with; perhaps you had an aggressive interaction with them or a crush on them.
If you’ve had a dream about one of your co-workers, you may have thought they made their way into your dream simply because you frequently see and talk to them in your waking life.

4.5. Dream About Someone you used to Date
Even though having dreams about your ex-boyfriend can be unsettling, especially if you’re already in a committed relationship. This could be one of the nightmares, or maybe you wake up with a smile.
This person might still be on your subconscious mind, especially when you sleep, even after you stop communicating with them. Each of us has a group of actors who perform in our ideal theatre. And we all may have at least one ex-boyfriend who appears frequently. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the person in your dreams.
What does it mean to dream about someone you used to have a relationship with? There are many reasons people dream about their ex-partners, but one of the most frequent is that they are torn or unclear about the relationship. Maybe you have unresolved issues with them or insecurities regarding a new relationship. The goal of a dream can occasionally be to find the resolution you are seeking in the real world.
4.6. Dream About Someone you Knew
How do you interpret dreams like these, and what does it mean when you dream about someone from the past? If you have a dream about a former acquaintance, it may be a sign that the person is struggling and in need of support.
It might also imply that you encountered a sight or heard something that made you think of them in your subconscious mind. It can be a lot more puzzling when the star or even a supporting character in your dream is someone you rarely think about during your waking life.
4.7. Dream About Someone you don’t Know at All
You’re not alone if you’ve ever had people you’ve seen or thought about during the daytime appear in your dreams. It’s common to have dreams involving a person or people you don’t recognize in everyday life. Dreaming about a person does not necessarily involve dreaming about that specific person. In most cases, the person represents a personality trait in your life.

4.8. Dream About Someone Chasing You
Ideally, we’d like to have pleasant dreams when we sleep. Even though they may initially seem terrifying, these dreams are often not as bad as they appear. Chasing dreams or night terrors involves anxiety.
Most things (and people) in dreams symbolize certain feelings, relationships, or situations from waking life.
What does it mean when you dream about someone making you run? If you experience being pursued by “a dominating” figure in your dreams, you may have that trait and are ashamed of it in your subconscious mind.

4.9. Dream About Someone Criticizing You
What does it mean when you dream about someone scolding or making fun of you? There are multiple versions of you in your dreams. If someone receives criticism in a dream, that person is both the one giving the criticism and receiving it.
Also, notice how the person you know in the dream acts and be cautious around them in real life.
Maybe this someone should be less critical of themselves or others, or maybe the dream tells you to be more aware of the people and ideas you accept.

4.10. Dream About Someone Cheating on You
If your previous partner cheated on you, you fear it will happen again.
Your partner might even be “unfaithful” in other aspects than being with someone else in the waking hours.
What does it mean when you dream about someone cheating on you? The dream interpretation is that you might have dreams about extramarital affairs because your partner spends too much time focused on work, children, or other obligations.
Fear is what makes you think of this in your subconscious mind. When you dream about someone, it usually reflects how you feel about them in your waking life.
Dreams about extramarital affairs “rarely reflect real extramarital affairs.” Only you can take the opportunity to check your relationship in reality and treat the dream as a warning sign.

4.11. Dream About Someone or Yourself Pregnant
What does it mean when you dream about someone pregnant? If you dream about someone else becoming pregnant, it is probably not a particularly growth-oriented dream. It’s a sign that you have some unexpressed feelings.
The dream interpretation of pregnancy dreams may mean the beginning of something. Although more women than men dream about being pregnant, both sexes have had dreams about being pregnant.

4.12. Dream About Someone Strangling You
What does it mean when you dream about someone strangling you? The dream interpretation is that numerous factors inside and outside of you can “strangle” you and stop you from growing and unfolding. Think about what you want to do in your lucid dream and maintain a positive outlook when lucid dreaming.
The ability to be conscious of your dreams while they are happening is known as lucid dreaming.

4.13. Dream About Someone Famous
What does it mean when you dream about someone famous? Your subconscious recognizes something from it that is relevant to you and your life right now. The song’s title, lyrics, or the persona the celebrity is best known for all reveal the message they are trying to send you.

4.14. Dream About Someone who isn’t Alive
Many people dream about dead people. Some people use dreaming as a coping mechanism for their grief when they have recently lost someone. These dreams can have a recurring theme as well.
What does it mean when you dream about someone who isn’t alive? You don’t see such dreams until you are prepared to say goodbye in real life, especially for those who have difficulty accepting the loss.
Though most dreams don’t involve a lost loved one consoling, dreams of dead people can be frightful in the waking life depending on the dream and the individual. However, these dreams probably reflect your relationship with the deceased.

4.15. Dream About Someone Cutting your Hair
You probably don’t anticipate having dreams about someone cutting your hair when your head hits the pillow. However, it turns out that this is not at all unusual.
What does it mean when you dream about someone cutting your hair? These hair dreams seem to mean something and don’t seem to have anything to do with wanting to change your appearance. Instead, they may represent a loss of power or control and result from stressful events in your personal or professional life.
The dream may indicate a kind of fresh start as the dream also represents cutting off the past and starting over with something new.

4.16. Dream About the Same Person Repeatedly
You probably have experienced a recurring dream at some point in your life. The dreams are typically not the same every time, but a theme that keeps coming up is typically something unresolved in your mind or due to unfinished business.
What does it mean when you dream about someone constantly? It is odd to dream about the same person repeatedly, even though more than six in ten people may have dreams with recurring themes. However, it may have a similar meaning to other recurring dreams. Don’t panic if the same person appears to you every night.
To get rid of a recurring dream, practice writing a dream journal. This will help you note down your feelings in your dream of recurring themes.

4.17. Dream About Someone Drowning
Dreams of drowning, as horrifying as they may be, are frequent. So, what does it mean when you dream about someone drowning? Seeing someone else drowning in your dream suggests you are overly involved in something out of your control. If you are drowning in your dreams, it can mean you feel overwhelmed.
If you see yourself saving the person in this kind of dream, it may indicate that you have successfully acknowledged certain feelings and traits represented by the drowning victim. In your dream, saving someone from drowning can show your capacity for accepting assistance.
If you are unsuccessful in your attempt, it could indicate that you are paralyzed by fear. Check in the areas of your life where fear might be trying to interfere.

4.18. Dream About Someone you are No Longer Friends With
What does it mean when you dream about someone with whom you are no longer friends? You probably feel confused when you wake up after dreaming about a long-lost close friend or another distant relative.
When you dream about someone you no longer get along with, that person represents a flaw in your personality.

5. What can Influence Dreams?
- The time you eat – Are you aware that eating cheese right before bedtime can cause nightmares? Your dream world may change if your body is digesting while you complete your sleep cycle.
- Daily stress – can seriously impact your physical and mental health and even affect your ability to dream.
- Anxiety – Panic attacks set your body in a fight or flight state, and recurrent panic attacks can cause nightmares or insomnia.
- Medication side effects – Whether prescribed or over-the-counter, it can lead to vivid or frightful dreams.
6. Conclusion
What does it mean when you dream about someone? Dreaming is the parallel magic reality our subconscious creates every night. It is sometimes our repressed feelings and sometimes just something we’ve been thinking about lately!
Dreaming of someone we know doing something cruel or acting badly doesn’t necessarily mean that the dream-bully has a secret evil streak in real life.
Remember, sometimes interpreting dreams contradict what you see in your dreams. Dream meanings can also depend on different feelings.
You should consult your doctor if you have recurrent dreams of being suffocated.
Keeping a dream journal makes it easier to remember your dreams and can help recognize patterns that induce lucid dreaming. Keeping a dream journal will help you know what your dream means better.
Your attention should be on feeling the emotions present in your dream and on following the dream’s energy to its conclusion, which you should be curious about.
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Last Updated on by Sathi