You lost her and it hurts. It’s been maybe keeping you up at night, stressing you out, and you’re consumed by it.
You want the broken or the damaged relationship to fix again and you don’t know how to do it. Maybe you’ve tried many different things and it hasn’t gotten the results you’ve been looking for. Perhaps you’ve taken other people’s advice.
And still, you’re not in the position you want to be in because the partner you care about and love has yet to come back to you.
But I’m going to lead you in the direction to help you achieve what you’re looking for. So, let’s get dive to know about how to fix a broken relationship.
1. How to Fix a Broken Relationship?
It is not important to have a relationship in life, but it is important to have a life in a relationship. Many times it is not by choice but bitterness occurs in the relationships, and the relationships end. It turns out to be an unhealthy relationship and because of that people get stressed so much.
Ups and downs are the part and parcel of a loving relationship. It happens many times when people don’t want to say anything which can break relations, but it is assumed and because of that their living relationship finishes off.
And though I understand the pain of losing a loved one in this manner, you cannot allow that to consume you to the where it breaks you down.
And now not only do you become less desirable to your partner, but now you lose focus on things you should be doing in your life. Now, you’re falling off track in various ways. Now, your health is taking a hit mentally and physically.
So, let’s get straight toward the 8 ways through which you can fix your broken relationship.
1.1. Don’t Let Your Mental Health Hit You
The one thing which is more important rather than fixing a broken relationship is your health. For your health, physical or mental both should be the topmost priority for you.
When you are going through pain emotionally when you are struggling with things like depression then one of the most important things to do is to take better care of your health.
Make sure you’re trying to get some sleep even though for some of you that might be a struggle if all you’re thinking about is your partner. But to make sure that you’re eating right, go exercise, be active, and be productive.
Spend time with your friends and get outside of your relationship. Don’t just sit around the house moping all day. If you are gonna be like that just sitting all day then it’s going to make things worse for you.
Eat, drink your water, and drink, whatever you need to drink, but get yourself to a healthier place. This will allow you to combat all that negative energy that you’re taking on from the sadness and hurt from this situation.
1.2. It’s Not Your Job to Fix Broken Relationships
The number two tip is that it’s not your job to fix your broken relationship. A lot of people may think that it’s their job to make a relationship work and that’s simply not the case. If you are one of those who is trying to get back your relationship and you are trying on your side only, then it’s not going to work.
It is not the responsibility of one partner, it takes two to make changes in a relationship simply because two people are involved. A lot of people may think that they are a failure if they are having a bad relationship or if they have had bad relationships in the past. Of course, there might be things that you are doing wrong in a relationship and that is why the relationship is not working.
But it is not that if you are having a broken relationship you cannot fix it back. Although many relationships are solvable some are not.
In order to fix a partnership or a relationship, it can simply not be one-sided. It simply does not work that way. A relationship is as equal as a partnership and in partnership, it requires both to work together.
1.3. Do Not Pressurize or Overwhelm Your Partner’s Feelings
The third point in how to fix a broken relationship does not overwhelm. Here’s another mistake that is a lot more common in this situation you will either try to pressure the other partner or you will be dumping all these emotions on your partner.
Emotional Dumping that just all over the place, not being poised, and not having any control over yourself, which is very overwhelming to the partner.
Why would that fix the broken relationship?
That’s not going to make that happen if you seem like you don’t have yourself together which makes you less desirable in your partner’s eyes. Absolutely say how you feel, say what your desire and your intentions are, but do not overwhelm, do not put pressure.
1.4. Be High-Value
The fourth thing is to be high-value and see what changes in your relationship. Stop looking forward to some magic happening, start working for your betterment, and have high value for yourself.
Start becoming more and more high value and see if the relationship is going to start transforming for the better. As a partner, you have a huge say in what direction your relationship is going to go.
If you act high value you will simply bring out the best in your partner.
If you are low value or act low value you will bring out the worst personality traits that your partner has. When you become really high value and stick to it and live it, you can then really decide if that relationship is for you and if that partner is the right partner for you.
But if you are still not happy in the relationship and it seems like it’s not working, it is then easier to walk away simply because you have given it all you can give, you cannot ever change your partner, right like literally changing him or her that’s not your job, and that’s not something that you should aspire to do.
It’s not about that, you can only change yourself and only analyze and look at what you‘re doing wrong and change that and see how that will benefit the whole relationship.
If your partner will change as well and if your partner is willing away step it up and also contribute positively to the relationship and if he or she doesn’t, then you guys are simply not compatible because you’re developing and your partner is not developing with you, and that long-term doesn’t really work out.
1.5. Evolve
Now let’s get to number five. And number five is evolved. Now using the word evolve specifically and not using change is because change can sometimes be a very surface act.
But evolving is an action where you connect with the issue in the way that you understand it. And by understanding it, true change, change from within happens, because change on the surface is not sustainable.
It’s in the moment, you’re just doing this to fix the relationship. And yeah, you might fix the relationship, but now you can’t keep the relationship, because you haven’t really gotten in touch with the real problem.
So, I say evolve in the sense of one who understands the issue, grows, learns, and grows, but also evolves the person in general.
What are you doing to become better from your past versions? You can’t just think about, well, what you need to do at the moment to make things right, you also have to consider what will you need to continue to do to sustain this and keep your partner in your life and have a successful, healthy relationship.
Walking in your purpose, because you need that, you need purpose in your life, that’s very important. Because here’s the thing, whether you gather back or not, you still got to become better. If your plan is to be in any other relationship going forward, you’re still going to hereto become a better person. So, it’s best for you to learn from this situation.
When you truly evolve, when that change happened from within, your energy changes and your mindset starts to change. Your partner will see that.
1.6. Sometimes It’s Better to Let Go
Number six is, sometimes it’s better to simply leave. If you really do become high value and become the best version of yourself and your partner still does not make you feel loved. If the relationship is still rocky and you’re not happy in it then it simply means that he or she is not for you.
You should be focusing more on leaving the toxic relationship rather than fixing the toxic relationship again. If your partner doesn’t accept responsibility in your relationship then it’s time to move on.
The good news is that when you walk away, you will actually open yourself up for a better partner that knows your worth and a partner that is worthy of your love and who you are as a person.
1.7. Get Help
The number seven is to get coaching or either educate yourself. They can really help you improve your relationship and can tell if the relationship is worth saving. You will never know if you never try in order to become a high-value person. A therapist can help you better and make your relationship even better.
This is one of the most important because then you can figure out what you are potential as a woman or man doing wrong in your relationship. You can get one-on-one coaching which can literally help you a lot.
If you’re not ready for one-on-one coaching try to analyze your own actions and what you are doing wrong. Learn from that and start implementing that in your relationship and really start acting differently or doing things differently than you normally would like doing them in a high-value way over a longer period of time and see how the relationship will change.
This is one of the best and the most effective thing to focus on if your relationship does feel broken.
1.8. Emotional Control
The number eight is to have emotional control.
Emotional controls like the law will always get you out of sticky situations. Whether that is at work with your friends or family or in your relationship. If you see that there is a fraction of that you potentially are going to have a bad argument with your partner and have emotional control.
You can also check out this YouTube video right here it’s all about how to have emotional control and everything you need to know.
In order for your partner to love you he or she needs to respect you. There is simply no love without respect. Your partner will love you more and simply take you more seriously and respect you if you have your emotions under control and that’s the bottom line.
The Takeaway
Let’s summarize all the things which you can do to fix your broken relationship in simple steps:-
- Don’t let your mental health hit you ( control your negative emotions ).
- It’s not your job to fix the broken relationship. It takes two to make changes in a relationship simply because two people are involved.
- Do not pressurize or overwhelm. Learn to communicate in a healthy way.
- Be high value.
- Evolve Yourself.
- Sometimes it’s better to let it go.
- Get Help.
- Emotional Control.
Moreover try to analyze what your partner feels, try to capture what he or she wants from you, and make your partner really special. Spend quality time with your partner, as it is the best way to make up your broken relationship fix and produce more positive emotions.
If you want to become a better lover then check this out.
Last Updated on by ritukhare