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Most people argue that soda is healthy for them and would always ask the question; what does soda do to your stomach? to refute their claims.
However, research has shown that the intake of carbonated drinks causes burping and bloating as a result of excess air in the digestive tract. Let’s briefly look at all you need to know about soda and your stomach.

What are Sodas?
Sodas are soft drinks. A soft drink is usually a carbonated beverage that contains artificial sweetening. Soft drink is a term used to differentiate flavored drinks from alcoholic drinks.
In as much as it is refreshing to gulp down a bottle of soda during or after a hectic day, it should be noted that excessive intake of diet soda is injurious to the health
What is Stomach Acid?
Stomach acid is a highly acidic colorless fluid that helps in food digestion. It is a combination of hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride.
Hydrochloric acid works to help the body easily break down nutrients while sulfuric acid carbonizes materials. It might interest you to know that the acid contained in soda drinks is detrimental to health.
When drinking soda, the acid from the drink upsets the stomach lining, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. Carbonated beverages can modify the pH level in your body and also add pressure to the stomach and intestine.
People who have digestive issues should cut down on drinking soda. It will cause more harm than good by making the individual prone to constipation, and unusual episodes of diarrhea. The calories contained in soda are empty calories that result in weight gain.
Your Stomach and Soda
There has been a truly terrifying video circulating the internet that answers the question: what does soda do to your stomach? This terrifying video posted on a youtube channel clearly shows why you shouldn’t take fizzy soda.
Although the video title is somewhat misleading, you are bound to be haunted by the sludgy chemical reaction whenever the thought of sugar-sweetened drinks crosses your mind.
Here is the video:

Effects of Drinking Soda

An artificial sweetener known as Aspartame affects the gut’s microbiome. When this happens, your body system will not function properly. You will also face severe stomach pain and constipation.
Apart from what soft drink consumption does to stomach acid production, drinking soda has other effects on different parts of the human body.
1. The Teeth
The phosphoric acid present in carbonated beverages affects dental health. This destroys the tooth enamel which leads to decay of the teeth, and further increases the likelihood of tooth loss.
Researchers have made a comparison of sodas to battery acid because, in a study, it was discovered that the teeth exposed to soda for about 48 hours lost 5% of their weight. The intake of diet soda is more harmful because they are highly acidic than normal sodas.
2. The Brain
The excess amount of sugar contained in carbonated drinks puts the brain in grave danger. You should know that the intake of excess sugary soft drinks lessens the production of the brain chemical known as BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor).
Without BDNF in your brain, your memory will be distorted. This means that you will lack the ability to learn or remember anything. It can also lead to depression and dementia where the lack of BDNF causes the body to be resistant to insulin.
3. The Digestive System
It is outright self-destruction to know that you have issues with your digestive system and then you consume fizzy drinks. These drinks lead to bloating, and pain which makes it difficult for digestion to take place.
The artificial sweeteners used in producing soft drinks worsen irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.
4. The Lungs
Do you know that when you drink coca cola, there is an increased risk of getting asthma? Well, you’re also prone to developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.
A preservative in diet coke known as Sodium benzoate affects the lungs which results in an increased amount of sodium and a reduced amount of potassium in the body; causing asthma.
5. The Kidneys
What do you think is one of the major causes of kidney stones in the human body? Diet sodas contain high levels of phosphoric acid that affect the functions of the kidney.
A study carried out indicated that when you drink more than two sodas a day, the functions of your kidney reduce.
6. The Heart
The artificial sweetener present in diet sodas is dangerous to the heart. A recent study has shown that high soda consumption leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This can be ascribed to the high fructose corn syrup which is associated with severe heart diseases.
7. The Bones
Excessive intake of diet sodas can lead to the loss of bone density as well as osteoporosis. When you do not have the right amount of phosphorous in your body, there is a high chance of bone loss.
To prevent bone loss, you should ensure that the ratio of the phosphorous present in your body should be the same as that of the amount of calcium in your body.
In the End
In conclusion, you should know that when you drink soda, you suffer a high risk of heart disease, weight gain, asthma, and other chronic sicknesses. To prevent the occurrence of these illnesses, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
We hope we’ve satisfied your curiosity on: what does soda do to your stomach? Kindly share these facts with friends and leave a comment below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Listed below are the most frequently asked questions on what does soda do to your stomach:
1. Does Soda Enlarge your Stomach?
The fact that soda contains gas can enlarge your stomach which leads to an upset stomach.
2. Does Soda Rot your Gut?
Drinking diet soda won’t rot your gut but could cause grave harm, leading to different kinds of diseases.
3. Will my Stomach Reduce if I Stop Drinking Soda?
Your stomach will actually shrink if you limit drinking soda.
Last Updated on by Asoni18