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What is a karmic relationship? This is a big question and we need to have some insight into it because you all have them and yes, they are all very difficult. Karmic relationships can be emotionally exhausting relationship.
Some people think that a karmic relationship can teach so many things but it’s ultimately an unhealthy relationship. It is a type of soulmate relationship.
Being in a relationship is a responsible thing. Trusting and respecting the partner can make the relationship really good.
Having a relationship in which you understand each other completely, respect each other, have time for each other, and care for each other is God’s gift. Healthy relationships are all about giving each other time and space.
1. What is a Karmic Relationship?
Now, talking about what a karmic relationship is. It is a relationship that is bound to happen. It is an intense connection but at the same time, there are various problems in the relationship.
It evolves from the unresolved issues in the past life. Although learning from previous relationships may be helpful, it is not beneficial to live in karmic relationships.
People often take karmic relationships as soulmate relationships because of the intense connection they make, but that is not correct.
It is a type of romantic relationship that is really unstable in nature and causes troubles in life. People often get confused with karmic partners as they tend to understand them to be their soulmates. Living a life with a karmic partner is like riding a roller coaster.
You find yourself entering something that doesn’t necessarily make logical sense. A karmic relationship can be, but it doesn’t have to be romantic by the way, although many are, nor do we only have one.
What a karmic relationship is, it is basically a soul with whom we have a sole agreement that we are here to help one another, and learn lessons from each other.
It is not necessarily that a karmic relationship will be with the life partner, you can have karmic relationships with a parent, and you can have a karmic relationship with anyone in your life you are going to deal with. It can be with your siblings and even with your own child. When you are going to connect with the karmic relation, you are going to evolve some parts of your nature. Experiencing the relationship will eventually lead you to a point where you will say that you don’t wanna be in that relationship anymore.
2. Signs of a Karmic Relationship
So, some of the karmic relationship signs are questions like, why am I in this? And why it is getting so much more difficult? And why am I living with the person if I am not happy if it is not okay?
These can be strong signs of unhealthy relationships, whereas a soul mate relationship can smell like roses and people enjoy their life in the soul mate relationship.

These questions will rise, it’s because you have lessons to learn from one another. You are each other’s teachers, you are each other’s guides, you are each other’s mirrors or blind spots, and you’ll stay connected as long as the opportunity to learn something for you exists.
I know a lady whose karmic relationship with her ex-husband lasted 31 years. And frankly, it was difficult from the beginning for them. It was an unhealthy relationship. It was a difficult relationship with her husband.
They never really quite were in harmony. It was an investment of many years for her to finally figure out that she had to give up the person she was married to.
The incident teaches us to love someone unconditionally means to let them be who they are, but to love me unconditionally means letting go of what doesn’t work for me.
So, it is not necessary that all karmic relationships will be good and will remain happy even after many years.
3. What does Ending a Karmic Relationship Mean?
Now, getting toward the end of the karmic relationship. Let’s dive in deep to see what the ending karmic relationship means.
So, you’re going to end that dynamic, which often means having to let go and separate from that person. Sometimes when you get to that point and how do you get to that point?
You will find that just like what made you enter the relationship, you will find a reason or you will be forced to leave that relationship or you end up living with that person forever.
It won’t be easy to get out of the relationship, it’s going to take so much effort to get out of this. Ending that relationship will somehow break you also and at the same time will give you some sort of relief.
3.1. Why do We Stay too Long in Karmic Relationships?
The reason why we stay so long in a karmic relationship is that we are so connected to that person and our heart doesn’t tell us to be apart from each other, we rationalize it too far. But the reality is you are getting hurt from that relationship.
It will somehow feel like you are hurting yourself or betraying yourself by staying in that relationship. But your heart is the only reason that’s going to keep you in that relationship for a long.
3.2. The Karmic Relationship Between a Daughter and Mother
Let me tell you about the karmic relationship between a mother and a daughter. The daughter was so horrible to the mother. She stole and wreaked havoc, used drugs, and, was a criminal.
It was really difficult for the mother to tolerate the daughter until she said, “I’m done“. Trust me it’s really difficult to say ” I’m done” to your own daughter, but until she did, it just got worse and worse and worse to the point of nearly circus chaos. These things are mentally and emotionally exhausting. The intense connection between the mother and daughter got broken with just three words.
But those three words by the mother made her life evolve from hell and it started to heal.
The one thing that we need to understand is that karmic relations are destined nobody can stop them. This tells us that we should give up on the shame, the guilt that we feel. But the most important thing that we need to implant in ourselves is to make logical sense of it.
4. Making logical sense of Karmic Relationships
It’s not easy to understand or make logical sense of it. It will give you so many distractions to make logical sense of a karmic relationship.
You need to handle that distraction from a different point of view. Ask yourself what you have learned. Did you learn something from it? Or it was like you are just a result of those learnings?
Coming out of karmic relationships, and staying in a karmic relationship is so demanding that you need to get your caretakers for spending some time with them, or to learn different things from them as it will give you some relief from the karmic relationship.
5. How to Handle the Karmic Relationship?
Get yourself 13 helpers and these 13 helpers need to be essential to your life. It is not like you have to get 13 helpers, it is just a phrase. The 13 helpers can be good friends who remind you that you are lovable and wonderful.
They can be anyone, for example, a good intuitive guide, for example, a good one, someone who’s reputable and is, that empowers you, or a good teacher. It can be your pet whom you can love and share your life with. You can have a therapist with whom you can communicate about your relationship.

You can spend your time building yourself. You can go for any sport, any hobby that you ever wanted to do but were not able to do in the past. You can have fun with people who take your mind off it altogether. Remember I was talking about the lady with the karmic relationship?
She was coming out of her karmic relationship with her ex-husband, and one of her 12 helpers was her piano teacher. She decided that she needed a little period every week to not think about her divorce or think period, or plan her life and just do something that she had wanted to do that she never made room for.
It was learning piano and learning to sing. So her beautiful, beautiful helper was the highlight and helped her heal by just getting off of it for a minute and being in her own happy energy.
So these can be some of the helpers that can get out of your past lives and can give us a new life to live with.
5.1. Listening to Music
Music can be a helper. Sing out the songs that really make you happy and get you to remind yourself of some of the happy moments of your life. I want you to have some of your favorite songs on your playlist that really gives you joy and that makes you live in the moment.
So get involved in singing some of your favorite songs wherever you feel like you are free and want to enjoy the time.

Music is not going to make you sad again, it will try to make you happy as much as it can. Music will act like a medicine for you that can really cure your pain a lot. It can give you strength.
So if again, you need some guidance, there are a lot of books. And if you haven’t read them, you might enjoy them in particular. There are a couple of books that would really be helpful to this.
5.2. Books for Guidance
One of them is a book that wrote called “Tune In” which talks about the four stages of spiritual growth.
And another book is called “Soul Lessons and Sole Purpose”.
These books can give you an instant connection with yourself to evolve.
They can address you and can give you strength and guidance in every moment of your life. They can teach you about some of the steps through which you can just get out of the karmic classroom inside your brain. And it is really true that Books are your best friends.
They will give you so much knowledge about life, they are going to be your friends that not going to hurt you ever in your life.
I hope all these things will give you some insight, and some understanding, they will really speak to you and talk to you in the sad time of your life and I hope they can help you out if you are in the middle of a karmic relationship.
5.3. What am I learning?
You can ask yourself, ask your spirit, your brain, what are you learning? What you should be learning? What are you going to get from those learnings?
Learning is not a responsibility for someone else unhappiness. Learning was to love me more than I was settling for. And I learned that I was controlling in my effort to do so much good. I was interfering with my partner’s ability to look at his own life honestly,’ cause I was so busy trying to fix it.
And you know what? I don’t do that anymore. And that gave me a lot of time to enjoy myself and enjoy life and fall in love with myself and no more drama. So there is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to go through the tunnel because it’s going to be something your soul wanted. So believe that and have faith in that and have patience.
Final Note
This was all about karmic relationships. Always remember a toxic relationship is way better than living alone. If you are in a relationship with anyone then try to understand that person.
Everyone needs some space and time and needs to be respected. Don’t take the relationships too extreme.
If you are someone who is in an abusive relationship and want to get some help then you can contact the National domestic violence hotline at 1-800-899-7323.
If you know about the different languages of love in a relationship then check this out.
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Last Updated on by ritukhare