The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day!

Riya Dennis
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The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 2

Some girls are nerdy, tomboy, introverts, extroverts, who like makeup, who dislike makeup, romantic, not so romantic, so on and so forth but at the end girls are girls right. We cannot categorize them into certain tags; they can be a combination of many things. Their likes or dislikes may also vary from personality to personality.

The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day

Wondering what are the top things all girls will do any day? Yes, there are certain things all girls will do any day. They don’t need a particular occasion to do these things. What are those, let’s find out!

1. Have a BreakThe Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 3

We often get so engrossed in the day to day lives that we forget to take a break. After a tough day at school, college, or work, all a girl needs is a break. She can spend it by taking a nap, pampering herself to her favorite dish or movie, relaxing bubble bath, or even go to a shopping spree. Most of the time, you just need a break from all the things going around you and spend some quality time with yourself! It’s one of the things girls will do any day.

The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 4

2. Visit Old Friends and Family!

Girls hanging out together
Girls hanging out together

Girls are the apple of the eye in most families; they are either daddy’s princess or mom’s best friend. They can any day talk to their close ones, let their heart out and catch up with their lives. They can drop at their friend’s place unexpectedly or set up a meeting in a cafe or any chill hangout place. You will find them happiest with the people they have grown up with or are closer to them.

There are few things which girls don’t like anyone to know about them! Click to read!

3. Race to Get into their Comfort Zone!

things girls will do any dayThe Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 5

Girls love their oversized t-shirts and shorts. One thing every girl hates is the caged clothes and undergarments in which they get rid of the first thing they step into their house. Baggy clothes and a messy bun are the go-to looks in a girl’s most comfortable zone, and they can this every day and any day. They can quit pretending to eat salad or stuff in their stomach to look flatter. Girls hang around their comfort den as if no one is looking, and they love it! It’s among the things girls will do any day.

4. Prepare their Favorite Recipe or Go out to their Favorite Eatery

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No matter what, girls like to hog on food. Be it comfort food or their mom’s recipe, if they feel happy they want to treat themselves or bake something or if they feel sad, you will find them with a tub of ice-cream and packet of chips. The days they have the right outfit on or have an extra skip when they walk, they definitely would like to go to a picturesque place or their favorite restaurant. Yes, it’s one of the things girls will do any day.

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5. Surf the Internet or Stalk so Hard they Reach their Account!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 8

Want to know one of the other things girls will do any day? It’s a lie to say that girls don’t care what happens around her. They do care about what is happening around her, especially the people she cares about. A girl with excellent stalking skills can find a lot about a person even before she meets them. It’s a guilty pleasure for girls to stalk various accounts, and they do it relentlessly any day or even every day!

6. Go on a Shopping Spree!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 9

Girls complain that they don’t have dresses to wear even when their closet is bursting with clothes. It is a myth that girls dress to impress boys, but it’s bad news for you guys because they don’t. Yes, it’s among the things girls will do any day.

Girls mostly dress according to the occasion, mood, or the kind of dress their body structure looks good. They treat shopping as their therapy and often feel elated when they find a suitable dress at a reasonable price.

7. Watch their Favorite movie or Jam to their Go-to Playlist!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 10

Well, since tik-tok and musically gained popularity and most of them are in front of their cameras, some of them prefer otherwise. Girls have their favorite movie and are it any genre they like. They have the lines of the film by heart and can repeat sequence by heart when asked. They generally relate to the movie character, which makes the movie their favorite.

Put their favorite playlist on, and you would find girls singing along to the lyrics in their imaginary concert or just hum according to their mood. They do this any day, and every day, while getting ready for office or in the shower, they can even do it while they are running to catch a bus!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 11

8. Pamper Themselves!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 12

Girls are, in a way, are more aware of themselves in terms of their looks and appearance or their mental and physical health. Well, you would find them putting on their favorite face mask or give themselves a home manicure or pedicure.

A relaxing bubble bath with smoothening essential oil of their choice would complete the package. You will find them making a different kind of scrubs and masks for their hair, body, and face, and if you are a guy reading this post, then you might know sometimes you might be dragged into being the lab rat for one of their masks.

9. DIY time!

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When girls get creative or when their innovative juices start to flow, they draw, write, or even do some DIY. When girls get crazy ideas, no one can stop them. They cut their old jeans and transform into something trendy or write down beautiful prose or even bake a cake with leftovers in the house. If your girl is crafty, then you would find your home filled with lots of art stuff, especially if you had a particular day, you would discover handmade cards or gift boxes.

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10. Daydreaming!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 15

Daydreaming comes naturally to girls as they are ambitious or hopeless romantics. They can overthink situations or daydream about their magical moment. If you leave a girl in an empty room with nothing to do, a girl definitely will start building castles in the air. Well, we can’t only blame girls alone since everyone does it. Girls can do this any day and anywhere.

11. Go OCD on Cleanliness!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 16

Some girls like it messy, but a time comes where the most disorganized girl starts organizing her things because it helps her clear her mind. It is a debated topic where if all girls are organized and all boys are messy! Well, maybe it’s right to an extent because comparatively to guys, girls have double the stuff which makes it harder for them to find things if lost and perhaps that’s a reason why girlfriends steal your hoodies!

12. Go through the Old Albums and Memories!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 17

Everyone likes to reminiscence about their past, and girls can do this any day.  Most of our memories are in photo albums and old recorded videos. Girls love to go through their old photos and maybe judge the younger selves. Going back to old memories makes one emotional and sentimental, which is why girls want to do this anyway. Well, if your girl has pulled you and made you go through her childhood pictures, then maybe you are unique for her!

13. Plan an Event!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 18

Girls are very excited about their birthdays or special days of their loved ones. They plan on everything beforehand so that everything goes smoothly. They look at every aspect very minutely, the likes and dislikes to the venue, or the things you may like. They can drop a surprise when you least expect it.

Well, you can’t deny the happiness you get when your girl does something for you! They can sometimes get so into the planning that they sometimes beat the professional event planners!The Top 15 Things Girls will Do Any Day! 19

14. Go window shopping: Online and Offline!

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               Girl window shopping

One thing girls can do any day is go on a window-shopping or tap to their favorite shopping site and click on random things which piles up in their wishlist without any reason. It may be a dress which your girl liked on a fashion influencer or someone who walked down by the street.

A girl will stalk every site until she finds that dress, well she can be distracted by million other dresses online and be trapped in this online window shopping for hours and trust me every like will relate to this!

15. Watch Cute Baby Videos of Cats, Dogs, or Even Babies!

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Watching videos like these indeed makes your brain release oxytocin, the happy hormone which relaxes you. Well, girls love to do this, and once they click on a youtube video, the cycle goes on! They can’t stop themselves from adoring the cute little things which the puppy or the kitten does! I’m sure your girl must have shared thousands of these videos to you now and then.

Check out this another cool article about what girls never say out loud but do anyways!

Comment if you relate it to you or your girl!

If you’re a girl or even a guy and you can relate to it or see your girl doing it, then let us know. We would be happy to learn if you do any of these things or let us know what all girls do other than this any day and every day!

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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