In today’s busy life everyone needs a break even teenagers so that they can ease their minds and can live with ease and comfort.
So they play party games by organizing teen parties, going to concerts or playing these fun teen party games help them to enjoy as well as make good connections with their friends.
Teenagers are still kids which means they can lose their minds over a good game too sometimes. So here is the list of some exciting and fun party games that teenagers like to play at parties.
It might help them to keep on the right track and get a break from the regular boring and busy lifestyle.
During the Pandemic period, teenagers cannot play games such as watermelon pool races, ping pong balls, etcetera.
Hence, teenagers played indoors to relax their minds as well as maintain their strength. Nowadays, hot potato is what new skills we can add so that we can enhance our knowledge.
I remembered that I was always the last person to leave any party, this love for games not only helps me in improving my communication skill but also played a major role in my health and mental ability.
Whether they know it or not, party games boost well-being by meeting their psychological needs. These games meet three basic needs: make us competitive, develop our self-beliefs and teach us the importance of coordination.
1. Never Have I Ever
This classic game might be played in small groups as well as large groups but all kids should know each other well so no one can lie about anything.
The fun factor is getting to shock your friends. Each kid takes a turn saying, ‘‘Never Have I Ever” followed by something that they have never done like kissing someone or never been to that place, etc.
Those who did that thing must drink a sip from their soft drinks or mocktails.
2. Pass The Peanut
In this teen party game, your gang needs to sit in a circle or two lines. Each person should have plastic spoons in their mouth.
The first person at the start of the line should have a peanut, cotton ball, marshmallows, M&M or something light on their spoon so that they can easily pass on that thing to the next member without using their hands.
This game is much more fun when we play this with much larger groups which make the game more interesting and challenging.
3. Knees and Elbows
This teen party game is pretty much a classic passing game. First, have party-goers stand in a circle and give one person something to hold but the fun twist is they can do it with only their knees.
It can be anything water or air-filled balloon, a ball or something delicate that doubles the fun of the game.
They have to pass it around the circle by using their knees and elbows only. To make it more competitive, you can split the party into two teams and work to get the item down the line.
4. Medusa
For this game, you need a bigger crowd so this game becomes more competitive by the end. First, you need to have everyone stand in a circle, looking down at the ground.
On your ”Go” everyone must look up. If two people made eye contact then they must scream and play dead.
This will continue until two players left at the end.
5. Scavenger Hunt
We all saw this game played in many movies, TV shows, etc. By the name of the game, you get the hint that we need to find some hidden objects by following some clues and connecting dots.
Come up with a list of fun things so the game becomes more interesting.
Scavenger hunt must be played with at least 4 teams and set a good winning reward that will increase the interest of all the players in the hunt.
The first team to find all the hidden items by solving all clues and riddles will be declared the winners and the reward must be something special that increases the interest of players to win the scavenger hunt.
6. Singing Bingo
There are two ways to play this game. You could either make Bingo cards with overused words in songs like ”Closer” or ”Baby” and scan the radio for Bingo.
Or you can make up Flash Cards with those same popular words and have teams take turns drawing cards and try to sing the song that contains that same words.
In this game, only two teams are made and every team should send their player one by one at each time when the game begins.
7. Truth or Dare
The next Game is a classic party game played by almost all age groups for a long time.
The game is also known as Spin Or Dare, we all know the game is so much fun and interesting and this game is made to be played at a teenage party.
But there is a small change that double the fun. You spin the bottle and read out a wacky dare from a bowl of dares placed in the middle of the room.
Dare should be done by that person on whom the side bottle pointed out. The results should be hilarious and entertaining.
You can make this more fun by giving out some challenging dares and by asking some harsh truths about someone. This makes the game more interesting and enjoyable for all guests.
8. Wacky Duck
This game brings out the silliness in teens while allowing them to get close to each other like with their crushes.
Everyone sits in a circle with one person blindfolded in the centre and then that person gets to spin around a few times as everyone else swaps seats.
Once everyone has their new spot, a blindfolded person needs to feel the other player with a wooden spoon or something similar.
If he/she stops at someone then players sit on the person’s lap who then has to quack in a whacky voice.
If the blindfolded person guesses whose voice it is then they get to take the seat and another one needs to be blindfolded and have to sit in the centre.
This game is a never-ending game you can play it as long as you want to play.
But after some time the game becomes boring, so for that, you can always add some new elements to the game or make some exciting changes in the rule like a blindfolded person need to feel the face and then he can tell who the person is.
9. Ouija Board Games

Let’s talk about some horror games too, this game is the most interesting and mysterious and for this game to play you need a daring group of teens who are interested in supernatural and scary stuff.
First, you need to arrange an Ouija board then you need to place a coin on the board or something similar to point out different alphabets.
Warning for all that this is just a game nothing else and it is suggested when you play this game you need to switch off all the lights which creates a more scary environment for all people.
You can also play this fun party game as an outdoor party game.
This game starts by calling the name of the spirit and asking it if it wants to answer its questions or not by pointing through a coin to yes and no written on the Ouija board.
In the end, we need to say goodbye to the spirit by taking its name and thanking it to talk with them and also giving all guests well wishes.
10. Sock Wrestling
This fun slumber party game might sound ridiculous but it’s more interesting than it sounds.
The first players lay down on the floor in their socks. The first one to get both of their socks off without any use of hands wins.
You can also flip the game to make it more interesting by tasking players while putting on their socks by just using their feet.
We know none of this is easy but that is the main factor of the game, everyone will try their best to complete the task because of its challenging nature and everyone loves to get challenged.
11. Escape Room
This game is in huge trend at the moment and we don’t think they are gonna be out of trend any time soon.
Before all members arrive, set up a designated area of your house as the escape room lair. Pick an escape room theme like alien, horror, cartoony, etc.
Add some clues and riddles so that escaping the room becomes more interesting and difficult for them.
If you want to make it more challenging then you can be dressed according to the theme of the room and take part as a host to increase the difficulties of all the members.
12. Honey, If You Love Me…
Next Party game is one of the classic party games for teenagers. To play this game in a more fun way you need to know all your friends or party guests really well. There is only one major rule in this game ‘No Touching’.
‘It’ must try to make ‘Honey’ laugh by saying some whacky or funny version of, ”Honey, if you love me, won’t you please just smile?”.
The real fun begins when the longer it takes for honey to laugh. The game continues till honey smiles or laughs, and they become ”It”.
13. Sardines
The next fun teen party game is ‘Sardines’; this fun teen game is the opposite of hiding & seek.
You need to play this game as an outdoor game like in your garden or playground because you will need a lot of space to play this fun game.
One person hides and then every other party guest splits up and tries to find him/her.
The real game starts when a person finds the person hiding, so they need to hide with them.
The game continues until only one person is left and he/she needs to find all the hiders to make the game ends.
This game should be often played at a birthday party as it requires larger groups which makes this cool game more fun.
14. The Human Knot
Other fun party games are the game that teenagers love playing, these kinds of games and it is one of their favourite party game.
It is one of those activities that never loses its charm. First, you need to have everyone stand in a circle, put their right hand out and hold the next person’s hand and told them to do the same with their left hand.
Then the great fun starts when all players play as one team and use their communication skills to unknot themselves, which can be a messy and a lot of fun game.
15. I Am
The next fun party game is ‘I Am,’ this game is like any other teenage party game for that group of teens who knows each other very well and hang out regularly.
In this game, every player takes turns impersonating someone that everyone knows like a classmate, teacher, etc.
Believe me, this game is so much different and better than charades. Everyone writes the person they want to portray on a piece of paper and put all of them in the bowl and place it in the centre of the room.
The person who guesses the most right answers gets all the prizes and also the person who does the best impression on others also get a reward.
16. Stack ‘Em
This is one of the best fun party games. This game is a great game in which we need to stack a bunch of plastic cups into the pyramid.
Break the teens into two teams and each group take turns throwing a sponge ball or any similar thing to hit the pyramid.
The main factor which makes the game fun is players must hit the pyramid blindfolded. After the pyramid is knocked down.
Thrower must rebuild the pyramid so the next player can go. The winning team is the one whose all players knocked the pyramid successfully. This game is also known as Stacking Game.
17. Balloon War
Hearing a balloon in the game title already makes it more interesting. This indoor game is the best party game that you can play at a teenage birthday party.
All people need to write their names on three balloons which represent each guest’s life.
The main motive of the game is to pop out each other’s balloons and the sharpest thing you can use is a crayon.
You cannot hide your balloons and remember this is the game of strategy. The last person with the most balloons standing at the end wins the game.
18. Mummify Me
In this fun game, you need to split all the guests into three teams and break out a few rolls of toilet paper.
The main objective of this game is for each group to turn their member into a Mummy by wrapping them with toilet paper.
If your mummy is unique and creatively dressed then your team can win based on that. Remember whole body should be covered perfectly with toilet paper not at least an inch left.
19. Gummy Bears Picnic
Despite its pleasant name, this game is one of those party games that every teen enjoys. These types of party games are actually kind of messy.
All guests need to put 10 gummies at the bottom of the tin pan and space them out. Cover gummy bears with whipped cream and when the contest begins, each person should have a pan in front of them.
The first person to remove all gummy bears first by only using their mouth wins.
So these are some fun party game ideas you can play at a party if you are a teenager.
These games help you to create more memories with your friends and have a chance to have a good and fun time with your loved ones.
These games bring you closer to other people and make you know many new facts and secrets about your friends.
All these party games for teenagers can be played in both small and large groups and can be played as both indoor and outdoor games.
These party games for teenagers are not that popular in the past, but they become more trendy in the 2000s.
Teenagers not only play these games to win a prize or reward, but they also play these games to have more fun times with their loved ones and enjoy every moment of it.
These teen party games are not only playable by teenagers; sometimes, adults also like to play them to remember their good times as a teenager.
These party games for teenagers teach us many things like how to work as a team, socialize more, be more creative, etc.
These games are not just for fun; these games also help us to find our real friends and who are not and give us a clearer picture of our whole friend circle.
Last Updated on by Steffy Michael